I haves been convert-asized! Damn vending machines, probably no good Catholic Communists! PS. If you get one of those kids with the claw can you keep it?
I don't need to bother God with my meger problems, thanks. Although I may ask him to tell you to stop being a holier-than-thou Christian. BTW you have a job, classes, or both right?
You have essentially taken the argument "The universe exists therefore God did it" and attempted to dress it in scientific language. By using the term 'God' I assume you mean an omnipotent being with human-like sentience. You haven't been able to come close to proving that such a being exists, or that such a being is directly responsible for creating the universe. Such unreasoned arguments threaten my ability to remain an agnostic...
Please go back to the middle ages, and please stop using everything science/technology has made for your ungrateful ass. Lets start with you getting off the internet.
Meh, somewhat intresting pictures, and horrible, horrible music. The pictures were weakly linked, and I have absolutly no idea how Ground Zero had any relation AT ALL to anything else in the presentation. The patriotic and religious undertones are cliched to the point of inducing nausea. Also c*cks.
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