But seriously, was it smugglers?
No, it was not.
Did he wait to drop out of lightspeed?
No he did not.
Ozzel dropped the bomb and got his throat crushed, as he should have.
The truth is that Christian centered nations (England, Spain, France) have been responsible for not only mass slaughter and slavery, but the destruction of entire cultures and civilizations. Its is one thing to kill millions of people, but to destroy the idea and cultures that millions have followed is far worse.
These Atheist dictatorships have only killed more people because modern weaponry has made it possible to wipe out millions with little effort. If such weaponry had been available during the crusades or the inquisition, many more would have died.
d1ggitydan: Thats exactly my point. We are all mired in sin to some extent, therefore to point out sin or infidelity in others is pretty much a prideful excercise.
I understand that he isnt worship an idol or anything. Im just pointing out how he went against the Christian ideology on a small level.
I pose this question to you Whetstone.
you say that sin leads to damnation and hellfire.
Vanity is a sin.
you actually took time to make a little icon for yourself, that being the cross with your name across the top.
Is that not vainity? And moreso, is that not Idolatry?
and what about the countless other faiths in the world that have suited people for centuries. you never seem to mention them do you?
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