[Calvin and Hobbes are standing outside, watching the night sky]
We hurl through an incomprehensible darkness. In cosmic terms, we are subatomic particles in a grain of sand on an infinite beach. [after a long pause, checks his watch] I wonder what's on TV now.
- Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes strip published 16 October 1990
I think it's less of a "liberals vs. conservatives" thing, and more of a religious fundamentalist thing. It's just that people like that happen to vote Republican.
Of course, never mind the fact that the character received her infection through a tainted blood transfusion, and that the character only appears in the South African version of the show on account of that country's high HIV infection rate-- IT'S A HOMERSEKSHURAL PLOT TO INDOCTERNATE YER CHILDERN AND I KNOW IT COS THE REPUBLICANS TOLD ME SO
They're right, you know. Cartoons are for kids. That's why Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs is fun for the whole family. And who can ever forget the G-rated harmless bliss of Grave of the Fireflies? Or the happy kid-friendly fun of Don Hertzfeldt's collective works? Or...
My knowledge of drug slang is rather rusty; I can't tell triple-sod from clarky cat, and I only just found out that Joss Ackland's spunky backpack, loonytoad quack and Hattie Jacques pretentious cheese wog are all the same thing.
If your definition of "teh funneh" is a random NEDM appearance, anything relating to Rozen Maiden, or Garfield, then you fail at internets. I think it's okay for this site to lack it, since I'm not an inherently humorous person. Look at my other sites, for Christsakes.
End of Evangelion is epic fail. Get the f*ck over it, fanboys. "Komm, susser tod" is somewhat fail. 4chan is WINNAR. Put them all together, and we have EPIC WINNAR!
I'm braderunnar in that particular chat room, and I fortunately have not experienced anything on that level yet. But if it happens, I'll be recordin' it!
Damn straight! Now, you'll have to excuse me. I'm going to go punch anyone who thinks Shadow the Hedgehog is a cool character in the throat while listening to Dark Side of the Moon.
I hate hate hate hate HATE Final Fantasy VII with all my hate, and I think Aeris got what she deserved, but this is damned hilarious. I'll be lenient and only deduct one star.
ISpeakEngrish's recent comments:
We hurl through an incomprehensible darkness. In cosmic terms, we are subatomic particles in a grain of sand on an infinite beach. [after a long pause, checks his watch] I wonder what's on TV now.
- Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes strip published 16 October 1990
Case in point:
Of course, never mind the fact that the character received her infection through a tainted blood transfusion, and that the character only appears in the South African version of the show on account of that country's high HIV infection rate-- IT'S A HOMERSEKSHURAL PLOT TO INDOCTERNATE YER CHILDERN AND I KNOW IT COS THE REPUBLICANS TOLD ME SO
You get the picture.
Today's secret word is... "facetious"!