You know, I've been sitting in my car and I've run my ipod on the randomizer and I had a similar experience. It's crazy right? Anywho, I fived it, cuz ur a cool dude.
I liked it for the song. I miss FF8 :D I just wished that the fish swam and the song clip was a little longer. I'm gonna do you a favor and rate it 5 STARS WOO
I am a carnival worker. The carnival entertains human waste. The carnival is very important and we are responsible for its upkeep. I need to prevent unnecessary death and this device is one of my tools. Though I often smell of cabbage, I deserve your respect because I provide a valuable service... cabbage.
These people that downvote obviously don't understand that the music and artwork is a play off of A-ha's, "Take on me". Plus the music in it holds doom's chord system with perfect 5th's. Very clever, I fav'd and fived.
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