She dies in the gayest way possible, an inexpicable entity rapes her repeatedly in a ship, and then kills her for no apparant reason. aka her contract ran out
Jesus, I nver really believed that the drug companies were witholding cancer and AIDS cures, or that the FDA was helping, but look at this. The can "cure" a completely natural process in woman without messing up everything, only you have to buy thi pills until you would have menopause so the companies keep making money. They can't however cure cancer....hmmmm. Still don't really believe it, but there's some evidence for ya
Well now we know what caused the V-Tech shootings, some asian angry at Will Wright for having this game in development for 292948952389 years....bad taste? yeah, sorry
this one is good stupid, when 32 people get killed there are many people to lay a little blame on, and the administration deserves a large amount of that....expect to see the president resign within the week
what the hell do people mean when they say you take the Bible "literally" does kill all gay people mean something symbolically? Maybe gay people represents are insequirities about being manly and we need to kill that, yeah that's it definately. And maybe when the Bible says when you conquer a land you should take all the pretty girls but leave the ugly ones what it really means is that you should take the good points of the conquered peoples culture and forget about the ugly parts.
I think that's the second most memorable video game commercial, the first being Kingdom Hearts, and I was like, was that Sephroth with Mickey Mouse FTW
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