Grimmadog60's votes:

Grimmadog60 has made 165 total votes, with an average rating of 4.55.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Stallone Tries to Pronounce LOL (5.00) (4.03) 
?Metal Gear Rambo (5.00) (4.00) 
?Akuma Loves School Buses (5.00) (4.40) 
?Time for Sexy Magic! (5.00) (4.47) 
?Dancing Balls (It's Happening Now!) (5.00) (4.35) 
?Tusken Lovitz (5.00) (4.07) 
?(nsfw) Popeye (Anti Pedo Remix) (5.00) (3.96) 
?Shifty! Hammer Those Windows! (4.00) (4.37) 
?Tengen News: NATIONAL WINS! (5.00) (3.00) 
?Zelda: The Bubb Rubb of Time (5.00) (4.71) 
?(nsfw) N*gger guy can do it! (5.00) (4.53) 
?(nsfw) Darth Vader is truly outrageous! (1.00) (3.36) 
?Richard Simmons is truly OUTRAGEOUS (1.00) (3.33) 
?Republican Party '08: Pinch. (5.00) (4.07) 
?PTKFGS: Mac vs. PC (5.00) (4.03) 
?Clown vs. Predator (5.00) (4.39) 
?Sometimes Fear is Justified (5.00) (4.62) 
?(nsfw) There's a bomb in the lasagna?! PAR... (5.00) (3.86) 
?Culkin finds a Friend Underneath his Pillow (5.00) (3.93) 
?Luke, we're gonna have company! (5.00) (4.67) 
?Dr. Orpheus Commands You....OPEN!!! (5.00) (4.36) 
?(nsfw) The More You Know (5.00) (4.51) 
?Final Fantasy 7, MORE COWBELL (5.00) (3.44) 
?Cosbeum (3.00) (3.92) 
?Snake has NO class (5.00) (3.99) 
?Monsters of the Deep (2.00) (4.09) 
?cookie game! (4.00) (4.22) 
?lol, interrogation (5.00) (4.12) 
?Tighten Up the Graphics!!1 (1.00) (3.45) 
?The Pope (3.00) (2.00)