"Nipple lasers" is a recurring motif in Famery-Gai's work: one of the classic examples from his middle period, http://tooltimes.ytmnd.com/, is one of Mr. Gai's first experiments with nipple lasers, and remains a powerful demonstration of the artist's narcissistic struggle with his repressed homosexuality.
Derp. This got published by accident - I had intended to make a couple of more edits to the Marley pic and play around with it. Yeah, old idea jimmm. I had the folder kicking around on my PC and thought about try to remake the site.
Good to see you, how have things been around here?
Darth, what you're saying is true to an extent. Ultimately people will have different tastes and preferences for what kind of ytmnds they enjoy. That's the way it should be. I think noise sites can exist alongside fad sites. I think users should make sites that they enjoy and let the community fairly decide what they think. I love GODDAMNROBOT sites, and I make them from time to time because I like that fad and want to add to it. But I don't care if the ratings are low or the greater ytmnd community doesn't particularly care for that fad.
The problem is that some users decide that they can gang up and mass-downvote other people's sites to push them off of the front page. Or they'll mass-upvote sites onto it. Or they'll flood the Recently Created section with spam, choking out other users' contributions. They are not letting the community decide. They've taken site moderation into their own hands, and they make sure that only the kinds of sites they like are represented on the front page.
I don't require that every site ever made conforms to my particular taste. I agree: let people make whatever sites they want to make. That's what I do, and what everyone should do. That's why I think the best moderators would ideally have broad tastes in different ytmnd styles (i.e., not be biased against noise sites, DEWs, faggy art sites). But the users that engage in vote abuse and alt abuse aren't playing by the rules.
You first state that ytmnds are only valuable if they are funny. Then you state that ytmnds exist for their own sake, which I take to mean that their value cannot be measured by some external standard, like "being funny". I guess you just mean that a site's rating doesn't really measure it's worth. I agree but a site's rating does measure it's ability to be seen by other people. Your voting abuse unfairly hurts other sites chances of being seen.
You have said a few times that only funny sites have worth. I disagree, but for the sake of argument let's accept that it's true. I don't find Moon Man sites funny and you don't find my bland sites funny. So I presume you'd say that we should just 1 each others sites and leave it at that.
The problem is that you go further than that: you downvote sites with multiple accounts and leave obscene messages in the comments. That type of behavior is unfair and destructive to a community. You accuse me of being a fascist and a dictator of taste, but in fact you're the one who is trying to enforce a narrow standard of what constitutes a funny site or funny behavior. You think everyone should behave like you. You break the rules and manipulate the system to push sites that you don't like off of the front page.
You've contradicted yourself in the same statement. You say that "ytmnd is a humor site" and then say "a site exists for its own sake" - it has to be one or the other.
Please stop trying to troll me into an angry response. I'm not going to bite. Nor will I change my opinion that you're part of the problem and should be banned.
But you don't "live and let live" - you troll other users that don't fit into your narrow perception of how ytmnd should be. You downvote for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of a site, and leave comments intended to provoke angry flamewars.
If users could filter off your downvotes along with your insipid comments, I suppose that would be a start. But you should just be banned.
A moderator's purpose is to moderate. You are an example of an immoderate user.
Lol, you're pathetic, Uncircumsized. I used to stick up for you, but you're just a childish attention whore. You deserve to be banned. You add no value to this site.
Definitely a problem. Recently Created is not a place that either regular users or visitors want to go to find new stuff. I can imagine a site like this causing an amusing little Matt Damon fad a couple of years ago.
This site is exactly the kind of content that gets lost in the site spamming, and it is a shame.
5) Well, I only suggested this as a follow-up point when thinking about how a new user could earn voting privileges. Sure, point taken, it's not hard to copy-paste a URL into a social network. I suppose the trick is getting people to want to do that.
I couldn't agree more with your point here - fickle, pretentious, bitter trolls ruin the site. The crap that guys like WannabeGayNigger constantly do ruins the site (I mean, for God's sake, his username alone is a breach of the terms). The ranting and bickering from older, frustrated veteran users ruins the site. Crappy and offensive content ruins the site. All of this shit gets in the way of just making and enjoying good ytmnds. Good moderation is the best way to deal with this problem.
1) Basically, what Xerxes36 said. Moderators should be able to delete offensive content / content that breaks the terms, etc. And as you say below, the community is overrun with bitterness and a negative streak. Moderators should be able to ban the accounts that are causing this. The community needs to be managed, and the moderators should be trusted and able to make calls like that. It's like refereeing a sporting event - they are there to enforce the rules and manage the flow of play. Someone like LegoLewdite, Xerxes36 or ryanmontana would be my example of an ideal moderator. These guys have consistently produced excellent content, they appreciate a wide range of sites and are just generally great guys. They never get bent out of shape or rant in the comment threads. They would be fair and impartial moderators, in my opinion.
2) Fair enough, I think this is probably a bad idea myself. It's just an automated system that can be gamed. I do think more active moderation is preferrable.
3 + 4) I would agree that punishing new users is a bad thing - but I'd argue that offensive and puerile content & user flamewars also punish new users. What happened to Lastimero? He was a fantastic new user that was creating great content - exactly the kind of guy that makes this site a fun and creative place.
I don't think user voting restrictions would be necessary if moderators are capable of effectively dealing with voting abusers. By demonstrating that negative community behavior will not be tolerated, it indirectly encourages the talented new users to stick around and keep making great content, which ultimately is what makes this site so awesome. It'll also directly encourage new visitors to the site to stick around and browse.
5. Make it easier for these new accounts to SHARE YTMNDS WITH THE REST OF THE INTERNET. Post to Twitter, Facebook, reddit, whatever. Create something that monitors the value these users add to your site: how much traffic they're pulling in with their recommendations, how much hustle they put into promoting OTHER PEOPLE'S work. Let that good work be part of the "fast-track" algorithm to voting privileges.
I honestly don't think this can be all self-regulated; I think YTMND needs to get some good moderators. max, you obviously don't have the time to make YTMND your top development priority, so I think the best move here is to set up some new moderators that can be trusted to be fair and impartial.
This is not about narrowing the range of "acceptable sites" or saying that faggy art films are better than no-effort sites. I love all kinds of sites: noise sites, art sites, faggy short films, DEWs, fads, fad comps, classic sites - the style doesn't matter. What matters is intent. It's obvious when someone's intent is just to piss off another user, troll the community, or just generally act like a tit. I humbly submit that it wouldn't be too hard get a few guys to volunteer to delete some accounts for you.
GordonFremen's recent comments:
[site tooltimes:site]
Good to see you, how have things been around here?
The problem is that some users decide that they can gang up and mass-downvote other people's sites to push them off of the front page. Or they'll mass-upvote sites onto it. Or they'll flood the Recently Created section with spam, choking out other users' contributions. They are not letting the community decide. They've taken site moderation into their own hands, and they make sure that only the kinds of sites they like are represented on the front page.
I don't require that every site ever made conforms to my particular taste. I agree: let people make whatever sites they want to make. That's what I do, and what everyone should do. That's why I think the best moderators would ideally have broad tastes in different ytmnd styles (i.e., not be biased against noise sites, DEWs, faggy art sites). But the users that engage in vote abuse and alt abuse aren't playing by the rules.
You have said a few times that only funny sites have worth. I disagree, but for the sake of argument let's accept that it's true. I don't find Moon Man sites funny and you don't find my bland sites funny. So I presume you'd say that we should just 1 each others sites and leave it at that.
The problem is that you go further than that: you downvote sites with multiple accounts and leave obscene messages in the comments. That type of behavior is unfair and destructive to a community. You accuse me of being a fascist and a dictator of taste, but in fact you're the one who is trying to enforce a narrow standard of what constitutes a funny site or funny behavior. You think everyone should behave like you. You break the rules and manipulate the system to push sites that you don't like off of the front page.
Please stop trying to troll me into an angry response. I'm not going to bite. Nor will I change my opinion that you're part of the problem and should be banned.
If users could filter off your downvotes along with your insipid comments, I suppose that would be a start. But you should just be banned.
Lol, you're pathetic, Uncircumsized. I used to stick up for you, but you're just a childish attention whore. You deserve to be banned. You add no value to this site.
This site is exactly the kind of content that gets lost in the site spamming, and it is a shame.
I couldn't agree more with your point here - fickle, pretentious, bitter trolls ruin the site. The crap that guys like WannabeGayNigger constantly do ruins the site (I mean, for God's sake, his username alone is a breach of the terms). The ranting and bickering from older, frustrated veteran users ruins the site. Crappy and offensive content ruins the site. All of this shit gets in the way of just making and enjoying good ytmnds. Good moderation is the best way to deal with this problem.
2) Fair enough, I think this is probably a bad idea myself. It's just an automated system that can be gamed. I do think more active moderation is preferrable.
3 + 4) I would agree that punishing new users is a bad thing - but I'd argue that offensive and puerile content & user flamewars also punish new users. What happened to Lastimero? He was a fantastic new user that was creating great content - exactly the kind of guy that makes this site a fun and creative place.
I don't think user voting restrictions would be necessary if moderators are capable of effectively dealing with voting abusers. By demonstrating that negative community behavior will not be tolerated, it indirectly encourages the talented new users to stick around and keep making great content, which ultimately is what makes this site so awesome. It'll also directly encourage new visitors to the site to stick around and browse.
I honestly don't think this can be all self-regulated; I think YTMND needs to get some good moderators. max, you obviously don't have the time to make YTMND your top development priority, so I think the best move here is to set up some new moderators that can be trusted to be fair and impartial.
This is not about narrowing the range of "acceptable sites" or saying that faggy art films are better than no-effort sites. I love all kinds of sites: noise sites, art sites, faggy short films, DEWs, fads, fad comps, classic sites - the style doesn't matter. What matters is intent. It's obvious when someone's intent is just to piss off another user, troll the community, or just generally act like a tit. I humbly submit that it wouldn't be too hard get a few guys to volunteer to delete some accounts for you.
Trolls and thoughtful discussion below, please.