GoodVibes' recent comments:

October 7th, 2006
For those who think the Nazis weren't Christian -
October 6th, 2006
Stalin and Hitler were Christians. Most people accuse Stalin of being an atheist. He was just a politique. He used his influence of the state's religion to his advantage. It's the same as calling Elisabeth I of England an atheist (she did the same thing, but on a smaller scale). Get informed. You fail.
September 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous" And God granted it." -Voltaire
September 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
"These atheists can't just dismiss these testimonies as merely illusions of a dying brain. It would be retarded to do so, as I believe most of these testimonies are true evidence of an afterlife, and a bad one without Jesus." And i guess it isn't retarded to believe in magical demons torturing you. Srsly, you internetevangelists need to get a life. Oh yeah, and that Voltaire story, complete Bull. Thanks for trying.
August 5th, 2006
And when you start insulting people instead of respectfully rebutting comments(the douchbag comment) you accept defeat. The one who begins calling names clearly has no way of supporting himself.
August 5th, 2006
Spykes, you confuse debate and criticism. If you were so sure of your beliefs, you wouldn't get so easily pissed off. Defend yourself, because you sound immature and stubborn at the moment. Fabjan is the only one presenting facts.
August 4th, 2006
Didn't Jesus teach love and understanding? You're not exhibiting any of those qualities.
August 4th, 2006
ok, I'm fiving this solely because of the arrogant remarks from the religious. All religious are supposed to believe that they are right. But you guys act like you know that you're right. There's a big difference.
August 3rd, 2006
although i don't like to take sides, the atheists et al have defended themselves much better than the religious in this topic. religious debate is healthy if mutual respect is maintained.
July 31st, 2006
Everything is relative, including God. Saying that only one religion is right puts God in a very small box. He is accessable to all. Realize that for atheists, 'science' is God as for Christians, the Trinity is etc.. Don't argue, everyone is right, and everyone is equally incorrect.
July 31st, 2006
Peterguy has his beliefs. Others have theirs. Everyone is right in holding their beliefs because the only reality is that which is experienced individually by indviduals. Each viewpoint seems so ridiculous to others because it is simply not the truth as experienced by others.