He didn't even play video games. Everyone around him said he'd have nothing to do with them. Which is funny because they had Jack Thompson on within 5 minutes of the shootings starting saying "Violent video games caused this"
- Which could easily pull a run for peoples money. Because old school RPG'ers are going to see how they port the Magic Egg combat system over to an online game. It alone making character creation completely up to the player based on the combination of eggs and techniques you choose to teach a character. And not limiting things to classes.
"Super Lol. I dont understand why people that have never played WoW say it
sucks, it doesnt, It's probably the best game evar." The A in Evar denotes Sarcasm.
WoW is not the "BEST GAME EVAR!" as games that are not out yet could still be the best game ever. Squares next MMO (The child of FF11) will probably easily crush WoW simply because its going to be on the 360, PS3, PC, Mac and Linux. Unlike WoW which is still limited to PC and Mac. Then you have to take in games like Grandia Online.
As for all the people asking if why you say "female g-spot" the male g-spot is technically the prostate. Its really sensitive and if you stimulate it properly you can cause a full body orgasm. Usually dry. but very powerful
There is a diffrence between being a Pedophile and being a Child Molestor. One is illegal while the other is not. Being a pedophile does not mean you have sex, or inappropriate relations with younger girls and boys. Just that you find their youth attractive. If it goes past anything more then attraction and goes into the realm of physicality then its child molestation.
And just like the Xbox360 Any overheating problems are probably from the placement of the console. Blocking the fan ports, air escape vents, or laying it on carpet. Hiding it in a locked up cabinet with no ventilation and all your other stereo systems on. The reason the Xbox Powersupplies were catching fire was because people were hiding them behind stuff and they couldn't get proper air circulation and thus caught fire. Once again User Error.
"Disc Read Error amplified by x1000, just you wait." I have a Gen 1 and a Gen 2 PS2 and I never had Disc Read Errors except on discs like the ones that come with Pro Action Replays. MOST console problems can be attributed to User Error. Or using unlicensed Products. As for the current problem with the PS3 having a few display errors on certain ranges of displays (TV's that are lower then 1080 Pixels) This wouldn't be Sony's fault. It most likely is a problem with the TV or the TV's connectors.
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