I'm currently sitting in my college dorm, over Thanksgiving break, and my roommates are all gone. I have a box of Cap'n Crunch sitting next to me. This is exactly what I needed.
Wonderful idea, but the Cosby clips sound too cut off at the beginnings and ends to really flow well. I'm more than willing to 5 this if you make it smoother.
I've been having fun with this -- I'm voting as various notable people from Iraq, using their real birth dates, giving them email addresses like president@government.iq.
This is from a youtube video of a hamster named Mocha eating a broccoli: http://youtube.com/watch?v=r0E-0ntoNWo ... I love that video, and I love this YTMND!
I can never understand how Democrats can like Hillary. Maybe I'm missing something, but Obama seems far better than Hillary -- at least he hasn't gotten into bed with every special interest and lobbyist on Capitol Hill.
Get that, Dems? If you nominate Hillary, then you care more about party than country. And you're going to lose. And we'll have to deal with Romney and his double-sized Gitmo.
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