if an aithiest kills someone and you attribute that death to the fact that they are aithiest, why dont you count the death toll of christian george bush's ordering?
but to draw a conclusion!? Preposterous. Some day we may be able to travel time, read peoples’ minds, and create life with a though! To say that is impossible and could never happen is narrow minded and just plain ignorant. Impossibilities are merely what people perceive as current limitations. Electricity was once impossible. And also, perhaps, existence.
That said, I'd like to ask why you think that we humans, in the year 2006, have anywhere near the intelligence to come up with the correct conclusion as to how we were created, or how existence came to be. As said earlier, the human race once thought the world was flat, owning a television would have you labeled as a witch and murdered, and way far back, creating fire made you god-like. How can you possibly think that we have any answers? I understand that it is human nature to be curious and question,
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