..Or he doesn't know about the original this is taken from? Why would I waste time to make alts to spam a two second edit, eg a terrible site? Why should I feel bad about this site? I know its a terrible edit, and shockingly enough wasn't expecting this to reach the top. Now please... go die.
Would of been a five, but the text wasn't funny, unless you are a ten year who still laughs at the word sex and penis. Still, funny idea which far as I see hasn't been done.
I noticed, every single page right now is to do with HP spoilers, far as I see none have the style mine does (Montage style). Thanks for the two though.
You didn't even use the right music. And yes, clearly having a chaingun is a complete rip off. Its not like every other game in the world has one. Or a rocket launcher. Or guns of any kind. Either way halo 1 and 2 kinda blew, not played 3.
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