Allen, if you are reading this, and you are really his brother, tell Brian that he is a god. Even though he has had a rough life, he is probably the greatest person I have ever heard about.
This makes Brian Peppers even more cool than I thought he was already. If he didn't really molest children, then he is freaking awesome! He is like Proffesor X mixed with Johnny Cash mixed with like... some.. deformed guy.. or something. Regardless, I
Meh, it is, as you have pointed out yourself, unoriginal. Funny, but unoriginal. Plus, the stripper in the cake is from a saturday night live sketch. As is "Chuck Norris breastfed John Madden, has a toenail on the end of his penis, killed Wolfman Jack w
Communism works just fine... for pussy bastards. Go get a job. Ya know, to make money. INCENTIVE to work, rather than just giving an equal amount to everyong. If I am working I want to be given something better to brag about dammit.
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