holy moly people. Did I say that no muslims are peaceful? The point of this ytmnd was to show that the whole danish cartoon controversy was hypocritical. If you're going to post a reply post one that has something to do with something I actually said.
I love how people get all pissed off and say stop prestletizing your beliefs on others. Last I checked no one made you look at the site. However I had to listen to them prostletize evolution in school.
Wikipedia: The Kaaba is the holiest place in Islam. The qibla, the direction Muslims face during prayer, is the direction from any point to the Kaaba. So no, it's not because mohammed was born there.
No it's not "just like christianity" there is no requirement to pray to a cross five times a day, there is no requirement of a cross at all. as for your comment about praying to mecca...
Christians don't worship the cross, the cross is a reminder of what happened to jesus. Also christians and jews don't kill people for drawing crosses and walls...LOGIC PWNED!!!!!
LOL, I'm a christian, its because we believe in everyones freedom. The bible says to win people over with kindness...The Quaran on the other hand says to kill all non muslims. Oh and everyone in my christian fellowship loves the Jesus RPGs.
CRH you think religion killed so many people? All of the massive slaughters by dictators like Hitler, Stalin etc were done because they believe they were speeding up evolution...BTW awesome YTMND
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