Without seeing the fist-thing, it's not nearly as funny. Check out the vid that was featured on College Humor a few weeks back: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1930567
I don't get why everyone's amazed. Most likely it said "Justin CU T" (i.e. Cutie) when it was signed, then the person added the N later. It's something anyone could do, and just stupid.
I liked the way you didn't actually use scientific explanations, compressed billions of years into a few sentences, then tried to make it look like the atheists were the ones with the easy solution of "magic".
Oregon Trail, Castle Wolfenstein, Out Of This World, etc. were from the 80's. The one's you're nostalgic about (and showing in the pictures) are remakes.
God damned I'm old.
You really have nothing better to do than try to tell people that they're going to hell for not accepting your specific blind faith? What a waste of your life - the actual one, not the unproven afterlife that is unknowable to all. I'm truly sad for you.
The fact that this is even three stars speaks poorly of the average person's intellect.
Either you accept God on blind faith, or you don't. Stupid pseudo-scientific "proofs" that, in the end, *always* make leaps of faith to say "God did it" instead of "We don't know how that happened, yet... but we're actually trying to find an answer!" are nothing but attempts to increase the size of your flock (of sheep).
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