If you happened to enter Saturn's atmosphere, you would just be falling for a very long time without hitting any ground. You would burn up long before you hit the core. Same situation with Jupiter. The gas giants are just pure atmosphere; air.
...and this turns out to be a real ASS-F*CK! Apparently when I took the pictures, they weren't synchronized right, so when I play the gif. they start floppin' left and right like they're having a f*cking seizure! GAAWWWDAMMIT, IT WAS SOO F*CKING FRUSTERATING!!!!!! FUUUCK!!!!!!!......long story short: I tried making pictures like this but Instead I got epic phail... EPIC EPIC PHAIL!!!!!
Then I just stuck with my Nikon by snapping in one spot, then taking a step to the side and snapping again. Some of the pictures turned out out of focus and others were just black. So with whatever successful pictures i did have I tried making gifs out of them even though I never made a gif. before and I don't have the fancy f*cking software to do it! So I search for whatever sh*tty preinstalled standard-grade programs on my computer and I try to put the pictures together like a noob...
I tried making 3d pictures like this when I was in Peru. I had a new Nikon digital 35 mm and an old Minolta 35mm. I tried taking a picture with one and getting my sister to take it with the other one at the same time but she had to be such a bitch about it and wouldn't cooperate. I tried taking them with both cameras myself at the same time, so i walked around looking like a Japanese tourist with two big-ass cameras around my neck.
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