4 because I'm a massive MST3K fan.. but I think the YTMND was a bit dry. Without the motion of the picture, many of the jokes don't work; and the sound clip was a bit long imho
Wow, this is absolutely amazingly well done. I actually laughed at this one (and now my coworkers think I'm insane, whee). I love the editing, and when he mouths 2.. just omg lol
It was.. okay. I was expecting something a bit different. It shows some effort though, and I respect that. I would have enjoyed it more if there was a bit more of a reaction from Picard though, but its a bit late for that. Rather then riker just popping his head in I would have liked to see him put his head in and then some sort of reaction from picard.
This is funny because its true. YTMND suffers from too many "1337 P\/\/|\|z0rs" who need to hide their poor excuse for a life behind a little star board. Now, if only they'd come to realize it and do a /wrists we could all enjoy YTMNDs that aren't all identical. *shrug*
lol at the people saying "let's do something." Yes.. because retaliating with yet more "hacking" (aka using scripted tools to do the hard work for you) is really going to end this problem. Yep, nothing wrong with the logic there *rolls eyes*
Its very well done, the editing works very well, and I love the music, not to mention that its funny. But I can't give it a 5 for two reasons; first off, the music isn't yours and it shouldn't be credited to your ytmnd (though I don't know the composer), second, the image isn't *yours* either, its a combination of images, you just spliced it.
What I don't understand about the downvotes is that this YTMND is actually making FUN of WOW's "story."
You'd think they'd love it :-/
Anyway, I thought this was pretty good, as I too think the "story" is absolutely ridiculous.
I have to say, the work you put into it does show, but on the other hand... that is most definitly not any form of DOS that I used. So I'm not quite sure what to rate it, I'm going to go with 3, because I very much respect the effort put in, but at the same time, I feel that something claiming itself as DOS should look fairly representative of the product. Good job never the less!
I like how creative it is, but I agree that the cat is a little bit much... imo it would have worked a bit better without the cat, but its all in the eye of the beholder I guess.
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