I liked it, but the shaking camera kinda crapped it up. Furthermore, the transitions should have been smoother rather than simply snapping in a new picture.
Okay, let's everyone bitch some more about Republicans and Dems and Bush and Kerry. Chrissake... we're going to bitch about the next one, even if he or she is a Green, just as much...
Why is that book so baaaaaad. And overrated -- every kid to come out of high school throws the book around to signify their apparent enlightened state of mind. "Wow man, this book is so like me! We're all [cheesy Junior-year English class teacher bullsh*t], and it makes ME feel like a catcher in the rye..." Grats. You now understand the meaning of life. THE BOOK WAS NOT THAT GOOD. Apart from being an excellent example of writing style, it's just more bullsh*t leftover from a wasted generation.
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