bowser is constantly changing size, and so is ridley!
besides, ridley really isnt even that big, he's thin and tall- plus he hunches over.
his wingspan makes him look huge.
though, if they want to keep ridley's huge stature, they'll just have him as a boss or something.
lol yeah it's more efficient, as long as efficient means making your engine a bomb. and thus killing you, and keeping you from polluting the gene pool. pretty efficient.
the wierd thing is, whoever made this is on a role with their predictions, Lucas - check, Sonic- check, Geno and Ridley are probably going to be in it as well according to an article I read also.
lol there are so many retaded things about this. all the music sounds like its done on a low battery, preschool piano. zuiikin is pronouced "suckin" so the show is called "suck'in english". They girls have NO idea what theyre saying. their shorts are wayy past their bellybutton.
Who thought up these awkward, spazztic, wrist flailing moves?
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