This is just a post so that the people know that I am both the Duezce on YTMND and the Duezce on their site.
I almost always either use Duezce or Straight Edge Phil as a screen name.
And no, I have nothing to do with that YouTube prick Philip Defranco, "sxephil".
For the record, I'm not a racist.
I just thought it was a funny picture.
If you can't tell a joke in front of someone that might be offended by it, you have no right to tell it.
Love it or hate it, you've all made me happy since 2004.
I might admit that your site (created over a YEAR AFTER mine) inspired me if it becomes true in some way.
I love your Strokin' site, it is one of my personal favorites, but to take credit for inspiring NSMB is a douche thing, and a lie.
I even make it known that I didn't make the image.
I put NSMB on YTMND before anyone else, and used my own voice.
I started the fad on this website, and you didn't.
Don't turn this into a flame war, I really love your site too much to start sh*t.
The Protector was a brutal Muay-Thai movie, and this scene made me laugh until I felt the urge to kill midgets.
The creator of the NSMB fad approves.
e of my AIM screen names; xhardxcorexphilx (It's a joke, mocking the overuse of x's in the Hardcore 'scene;' don't think I'm stupid like that.). I have no life so I'm always on.
Thanks again, Duezce.
My bike really was stolen once, when I was fiv
te it, you've still seen it and given it your time. For this, I am very grateful. I am mentioned on Wikipedia because of you guys. I appreciate everything and just wanted to express my gratitude. Because I'm awesome like that, I'll even give you all on
e somebody else's joke. It's been more than a year, and people still view, comment, and parody this. My voice has raped classical music, I have been a techno song, there is even a live action video. This is incredible. To all, whether you love it, or ha
Thanks to everyone that has viewed this since July of last year. I really had no clue that this'd be seen by more than a dozen or so people. I find it amazing that over a year after I recorded an audio clip of myself and used an uncredited picture to mak
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