AMEN!!! If the site sucks, we'll downvote it. Deleting it just because it sucks doesn't save anyone anytime since it still shows up, and since you can still view the deleted sites I can't figure out WTF they were deleted for in the first place other than sucking. >:|
◄5'd for the quote. However, our origin is such a loaded question, nothing we know now can really explain it. Agnostic is the only reasonable choice.►
Absolutely we only understand a fraction of our universe, and are probably only half-right about what we think we know, but an admission of ignorance is not proof of Providence. It boils down to the burden of proof. You don't have to prove beyond any doubt that Santa and the Loch Ness monster don't exist. PS: Theres an invisible monster behind you!!! ;)
I applaud and five your logic good sir. However, I am not downgrading from Atheist to Agnostic simply based on the inability to prove that God does not exist. I also can not prove that BigFoot does not exist, but I feel confident with the lack of real proof for its existance that it does not exist. If I am wrong, then smite me oh mighty smiter! *looks up cautiously*
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