''Thanks for drawing the boobs first and the head (disproportionately smaller
and) last... it helps me to remember my place in the world.''
LOLOL, Jealousy Al3R7
Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr-UpV0T3 Gives You An UpV0T3 Dr
ZOMG, LOLOL, Laught so hard the world just exploded, luckily Sister-UpV0T3 Sucked me and i managed to save teh world, lololololololololololololololololololol Dr-L337 Is dead in my basement, Dr-R0CkSo is floating in the pond and Dr-R337 is being raped by dinosaurz ROFL LAWLAWL!
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