DebbieDowner's recent comments:

September 7th, 2007
On on the site ?The PS3 Song
Hilarious! Uhmm....Uh.....Uhm uh....uh....
December 18th, 2006
Predictable, not that funny. Actually no funnier than the previous "Boom!"s.
December 14th, 2006
club sandwich....hooker.
December 11th, 2006
I'm a sucker for fart jokes. 5'd
December 2nd, 2006
You spelled "congratulations" wrong.
November 24th, 2006
On on the site ?][ hullo? ][
November 24th, 2006
On on the site ?][ hullo? ][
This is not YTMND material.
November 23rd, 2006
I don't get it. Who is the guy in the picture?
November 23rd, 2006
teksoqp = ketchup
November 22nd, 2006
If you don't understand: It's supposed to mimic (or could very well be) someone submitting a ytmnd while intoxicated. The humor is based off of this premise and the motif of random quips. The humor can also be found in the fact that the drunk author could have attempted to make a serious ytmnd, much like the "Unfunny Truth About..." ytmnd's, but was too drunk to complete it and was probably cracking up the whole time while he pieced random bits together in an attempt to mock them.
November 22nd, 2006
On on the site ?Fancy Dress 9/11
November 22nd, 2006
On on the site ?Fancy Dress 9/11
November 21st, 2006
you...taped mario onto a picture of Tony and then scanned it?
November 21st, 2006
On on the site ?Secret Nazi Game
needs flashing hitler in angst
November 20th, 2006
Heh, clever
November 12th, 2006
Its Sardo, accent on the doh!
November 12th, 2006
On on the site ?Suprise!
November 12th, 2006
On on the site ?Suprise!
1'd for spelling surprise wrong.
November 10th, 2006
Satire. If anything, Colbert is a strong point for Democrats.
November 8th, 2006
On on the site ?Glitchy Timer
too sad to find funny.
November 8th, 2006
must kill lincoln
November 8th, 2006
On on the site ?Frozen in Time 3D
5d for oblivion
November 8th, 2006
I laughed pretty hard.
November 6th, 2006
On on the site ?Gears of War 11/7/06
It will rock in a hard way. 5'd
November 6th, 2006
5'd for Bomfunk.
November 5th, 2006
On on the site ?Tetris Master
November 4th, 2006
On on the site ?CRAPTKFGS
I smell a new fad...
November 4th, 2006
Great scene from Brothers in Arms. One of my favorites!