Yea, a pretty boring segment.. You can tell when they have nothin to work with when they break out into song and/or dance routines.. Pretty lame. It does have it's moments though.
Exactly Makoeyesx... I loved Zelda as a kid, but for sh*ts sake, the bitch hasn't changed in years ... and people still cream over it.. It looks like the same old Zelda game, just a "new" way to control it.. big whoop! I'm glad media outlets are finally starting to realize this and stop giving it 9's and 10's.
I love these pics.. I mean.. I feel bad for the old dude.. but the expressionless face on the old lady driver and how she's oblivious to everything, even before she hits him, is what makes it "funny" /grammar l00zez
Emotional my ass, He was Drunk or High.. or probably both. And he needs publicity so he'll get them record sales higher. Oh well at least he donated some money...oh wait no he didn't!
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