DARKPOET's recent comments:

March 19th, 2008
lol.... Ill take canvas burn for 1000 alex
March 1st, 2008
On on the site ?(nsfw) Fireplace
maybe if you put the chicks phone number you will get a 5....
February 7th, 2008
Ok so he marked himself as one.. Hitler marked him self as a god... are you gonna call him god? Manson marked himself a prophet... you gonna call him one? Anyone can mark them self anything.. sh*t I can call my self a billionaire that screws asian chicks while getting a blow job by jessica alba while screwing Hillary Clinton in the ass... but does that make it true? F*CK NO...... ( and why hillary clinton came to mind I don't know.. maybe i got some issues or maybe chelsie is lookin hot now of days)
January 29th, 2008
1. THEY ARE NOT BAPTIST THEY ARE A CULT.. APX 120 member 110 ARE FAMILY and the rest are MARRIED TO FAMILY! 2. The BAPTIST CHUCH HAS DEMANDED THAT THEY STOP CALLING THEMSELFS BAPTIST... Bibically you are not supposed to FORCE your Religion on others.. if you do you are just as quilty as a person who does not believe in god because you deem your self a higher power than what your are! 3. PHELPS SUPPORTS CLINTON. Back in 1992 they held a funraiser on the PHELPS ranch which BOTH CLINTONS ATTENDED! FACT!!
January 12th, 2008
oh ya and CURSING is refered in the bible as witch craft....... so the words SH*T, F*CK, DAMN, C*NT, and *SS are not the so called "CURSING" the bible is talking about.. read the orginal version... " Thou shall not allow a witch to live" besides its all sh*t the Roman Cathloics manipulated to control people in the crusades.... the real bible was lost a miliena ago.. but read between the lines.. Oral sex is allowed... sodimy not.... so getting a blow job isn't a SIN.. but f*cking a chick in the *ss is..
January 12th, 2008
On on the site ?Cholfenstein 3D
LOL ONE don't mark Jack Thompson as a christian.. do your research.. the same way Jack Thompson preaches about video games, music, and TV causing viloence in the world is along with Hillary Clinton and Al Gore.. hmm who else said that in the 70's... oh thats right CHARLES MANSON!!! So as far as I'm concered he is with the MANSON family.. just more political.. WOOT DISBAR JACK IN 2008.. Oh ya and True Christans can read the bible and see that there is NOTHING WRONG IN MUSIC OR GAMES so f*ck yall fakes
August 16th, 2007
GO DEMOCRATIC MEDIA! POTRAY THE POSSIBILTY THAT ROUNDS COULD OF HIT A WOMAN.. OH WAIT.. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SPEND ROUNDS LOOK LIKE....This is why you should join the NRA..... GO WORSHIP THE PEDOFILE MOHAMMAD AND BLOW YOURSELF UP YOU WORTHLESS C*NT. I HOPE SOMEONE DUMPS BARRELS OF PIG BLOOD ON YOUR *SS AND RAPES YOU WITH SEVERED PIG NOSE!.......... for those who don't know pigs are by far the most disgusting and unclean thing to a muslim.... hince the pig blood and being snout raped!
August 16th, 2007
On on the site ?missing profession
July 13th, 2007
On on the site ?x_x
Damn good job......... hopefully this does take some YTMNDers a new direction spite what some featured duchebag says :).
July 11th, 2007
LOL I heard about this story over 12 years ago.. and still till this day think its funny....... and to all the people who gave it a one... just know that your 2 fathers made us laugh... and our kids laugh.. and most likely our future kids laugh.........
July 8th, 2007
Lol live earth.. where the lighting power was enough to light 10 homes for a year....... everyone took private jets........ and the flyers killed many trees....... YAH SAVE THE EARTH BY DESTROYING IT!!! lol...... oh ya and BTW this is a neg 6 for being totally F*CKING retarded........ lets make more LOUD SOUND ONES THAT ARE TOTALLY F*CKING GAY
July 7th, 2007
LOL dude I love WoW but I totally agree about that..... lol.. now in a guild with all married people no one is younger than 23.... and it freaking rocks..... we sell crap to lil kids... made 500 2 weeks ago and now his parrents want to sue lol....... cause the lil sh*t took their credit card..... So i gave them 100 back and was like sorry.. made a deal.. sorry if your CHILD isn't under controll but I cant get back what i sold :) and so you can't get back the rest of your cash..... LOL... stupid kids
July 7th, 2007
LOL look at these dweebs comming to her aid lol... listen she won't sleep with ya anyways..
June 26th, 2007
On on the site ?Karazhan Bedtime
actually it took me 30 seconds.... and it shows..... 2. Dark Poet orginates from the Writer Dark Poet of the late 80s..... A GOTHIC writer..... knew the woman in real life... she had a hot *ss daughter lol. anyways...... its Goth not emo.. I don't cry... I get even :)
June 25th, 2007
On on the site ?Karazhan Bedtime
1. People are dumb enough to buy from us 2. We actually have fun 3. We actually have personall lifes cause we don't sit there and waste more than 10 hours a week on it 4. While your sitting there thinking of ways to make your next EPIC shouting DR F*G Footdoctor BUt i poop from there YTMND... we are getting PAID and having fun.... so if ya hate.. go ahead and hate... by the next day.. your not on top and just another forgotten YTMND and we will still be known and having fun while your emo *ss cries
June 25th, 2007
On on the site ?Karazhan Bedtime
LOL well if I sat there and spent 10 weeks making a YTMND site between working, raising my daughter, f*cking my wife, playing WOW, and shooting pool every sat night then i would def be a looser.... you can not flame people just because you hate their game... and like it or not MANY adults play..... and alot of us learned to make some income by selling sh*t that took us 1 hour to farm for $$$$ just becaue we can... got to love paypall..... so lets see here... why WOW is greater than you..
June 20th, 2007
LOL to top what I said before.. Im sick of all the DR.133t, epicness lives on crap, and screaming crap... YTMND is starting to loose its edge... and since DOWNVOTING dosent work.. hince why SOME of you are mad about the wow stuff.... we might as well just ignore it and not comment on crap that just sux.. IE.. FOOTDOCTOR, LEET, SCREAMING........
June 20th, 2007
LOL wow haters just have no life.. not everyone who plays is some pimply faced teen kid... my wife plays, and about 60% of the people I work with fixing aircraft play.. we don't take it serrious though.. but those damn kids lol... Im glad someone finally posted this.. gives me more of a reason to request VENT in group and kick ANY damn kid.. then again.. i've sold so much gold to people IRL that it pays for my 6 month fee and my wife's :-) Keep it comming.. and screw all the haters.. this beats DR F*ggot