Well how many religious fanatics pay attention to the whole don't kill people thing in any religion? Really their "devotion" just gives them excuses and loopholes out of just being a decent human being. -_-
Anime enthusiast down voting overrated pointless site. Not, cited, not funny, not animated, not worth the 3 stars it has. Incidentally where's all the YTMNDs that should exist of her owning Sasori?
Yeah is is! I love Dedede's theme. I hope it's in Brawl, maybe remixed. Also, Okami is coming back for Wii, psyched as all hell. Seriously though, two excellent franchises, sadly Okami basically died in the crib because not enough of you bought what was an excellent and artistic game!
Needs better audio, also the source is not YTMND, come on you should be able to figure out the name of that piece and who did it. I love the pic but until you cite your audio (or preferably use something even better) I'm gonna have to 2 this.
Well the resemblance is there and Asuka the GIF is fitting, so I'm keeping it up. I'll just play blissfully ignorant and maybe update the source info. :-/
CloudAran's recent comments:
Congratulations to you for finding a new and fulfilling hobby - telling people on the internet what is and isn't funny.
P.S. Is it stealing when you site them directly and they're already reposting from other sources?