economics goes by supply and demand rules. The question remains what if supply runs out? the answer to that will unfold thusly. Stock market crashes ect, the real price of gasoline is 12 dollars a gallon, we have a condensed price because of the stock market 700 billion dollar bailout.....
stephanie difficulty clear bonus:
Perform the dance depicted here for 1 hour straight and you earn
the stephanie award of achievement, 1 day straight and you will BECOME stephanie.
because hes not a rapist of the earth, he just has casual sex with it
as opposed to the left which are blatant mother f*ckers
once democrats are dominant green party will have a say :)
if when you fall, you cant get up, isnt that a strong sign that you should have been dead 30 years ago? its so bullsh*t that old is the new dead, otherwise us young people would control the democracy, instead senial f*cks who dont know where they are half the time run our control based off old pocily. F*CK OLD BEING THE NEW DEAD LEARN TO DIE YOU OLD MOTHERF*CKERS.
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