CaptainStupid's recent comments:

April 24th, 2006
Man, I thought it was a finger..
April 6th, 2006
Gay. Maddox was good when he actually updated. On the contrary, though, I have to 3 this for having the band of those guys who made south park. Thank god I watched that commentary, or this poor site would have a 1.
April 1st, 2006 Pose of that f*cker creeps me out. Check the thread in descrip, people, one post has all the creepy things' locations.
March 29th, 2006
On on the site ?Your pony died...
5 for great ep
March 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Tribute to The Beets
By the way, is that bald person with the dress on a guy or a chick?
March 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Tribute to The Beets
Show got gay when Doug got longer sleeves. (That was one of the "pimprovements" of Disney!)
March 24th, 2006
wait wich way da thigns goin!?/!? n tehy sposed 2 lean in ro otu? :( HED HERTZ
February 20th, 2006
That build totally sucks :(
January 23rd, 2006
Lolololololol. This song was stolen by Pure Pwnage before that other YTMND.
September 25th, 2005
You actually put pussy as your favorite food?
August 26th, 2005
On on the site ?(Sex is good)
5'd for Brian Boitano.
August 26th, 2005
On on the site ?Shave me ;-)
5'd for sheep.