Capopo29's votes:

Capopo29 has made 84 total votes, with an average rating of 4.88.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Homer Tells It Like It Is (5.00) (4.16) 
?KATAMARI AGAIN (Improved!) (5.00) (4.17) 
?CS_Office Katamari (Extended) (5.00) (4.18) 
?nigga stole my katamari (5.00) (4.25) 
?Katamari HIV (5.00) (4.35) 
?The Prince is Behind (5.00) (4.39) 
?Katamario Paint! (5.00) (4.44) 
?Katamari Lebowski (5.00) (4.51) 
?Lego Escher (5.00) (4.21) 
?DON'T TOUCH IT!!!! (5.00) (3.97) 
?you will obey hypno picard (5.00) (4.12) 
?THAT'S NO MOON (5.00) (3.92) 
?Developers Developers Developers Developers!!!!!!... (5.00) (3.95) 
?Radio from Saturn (5.00) (4.17) 
?Cosby Pottymouth (5.00) (3.96) 
?Cosbymon (5.00) (3.90) 
?And now, the Nations of the World brought to you ... (5.00) (4.08) 
?Cillit Bang! (5.00) (4.01) 
?Axel F NES (5.00) (4.04) 
?DUN DUN DUNNN (5.00) (3.82) 
?Mega Man Selects a Fad (5.00) (4.14) 
?(nsfw) Nigga Stole My Kuribo's Shoe (5.00) (3.99) 
?IT'S GON' RAIN! (5.00) (4.06) 
?Flaming Moe's (5.00) (3.93) 
?KATAMARI (5.00) (3.93) 
?NSMB: Dos Stole My Bike (4.00) (4.23) 
?The Vader Reading Rainbow! (5.00) (4.09) 
?SUPER SLAM: 8 mixes (reload plz) (5.00) (4.15) 
?BOO BOO BOO (5.00) (4.29) 
?TIGHTER THAN A 12 YEAR OLD (5.00) (3.96)