The exceptional thing is that they didn't even name him Lando Calrissian - they named him Lando Carlissian, combining the unprecedented awesome of 'Lando' with the unprecedented carl of 'Carl'.
Hello, welcome to It sounds like this is your first time on the site. Why not try writing a letter to Max, the site's moderator? The last thing we want around here are those tiled animated gifs with giant text showing up again and repeating sounds. This is supposed to be a serious forum for people to post their short films, I am sure he will be very accomodating with your request.
I really hope that someone reads this comment and notices this: In the top right hand corner on the far left screen, the woman rides her shopping trolley like we all used to do when we were five years old.
I love what this is insinuating - an alternative to the Nazis was Communism, then the second alternate universe is... Islam. Fantastic bigotry right out of the top drawer. 5'd anyway for FUNNY MUSIC
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