While you have a good point there have been a sh*t load of people who shot up their schools. The nice thing is that most of them don't play video games.
"Watching you guys in action is like watching retards trying to catch up a bunch of zulus trying to hit them only to trip upon their own trousers and fall on the dog-sh*t infested ground." He doesn't have ground to stand on when arguing, so he throws out lame insults like this. I literally fell off my chair laughing. Using the word "sh*t" doesn't make you funny and it certainly doesn't win arguments. It just gets you down-voted.
"b) even if I were a Catholic, atheists have killed more than Catholics." No, I'm pretty sure we already told you that athiesm wasn't part of communism because they actually believed in it, it was just a method of keeping the people they ruled in line. They killed people because they wanted power and no opponents. The Crusades was about retaking Jerusalem because they thought it was holy. Two VERY different types of murdering.
"Actual atheist thought? So you're saying atheism is a religion?" You're also a dick. So people outside of organized religions can't hold similar views? Because athiests all share a view (not always the same, but often similar) on the world and it's creation, the term athiest thought is applicable.
Wow, good job. Did all of the athiestic regimes who killed so many people kill them because they were athiest? No. No, they didn't. They killed them because they needed to keep control of their power. Your Catholic and Muslim examples on the other hand were derived from their religion...of course I'm not saying religious people are murderers. I'll leave jumping to the wrong conclusion to you Whetstone. I'm just saying that you're a pompous dick.
Don't let it die! A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the
ground when she was still alive.The murdered chanted,"Toma sota balcu" as
he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this
little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She
will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will
not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded
Oh, and one more thing. Have a real reason for downvoting, ok? Here's an excellent example:
"-4'd because you show us that you obviously have no idea what the real
point of Carl Sagan's comment was"
"1'd for mentioning whetstone"
I am sick of this kind of sh*t. ATTENTION *SSH*L*ES! Arguments happen. *gasp* If there's room on YTMND for preaching there's room for this. Just because you can't stand anything other than laughing doesn't mean you one YTMNDs that are serious. Oh, and by the way, YTMND is only a humorous site because people make humorous YTMNDs. If someone does something different that's their choice.
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