You made this whole site in an elaborate attempt to post that comment so that it would wind up at the top of a comments page somewhere on this site, didn't you?
People always complain about the dead palestinian kids and the rock throwing. In addidtion to that, people in Gaza are starving. Now I have been reading this book called "A Modest Proposal" and I think I have an idea...
Interesting. So you think that, once they hype is all said and done, Barrack will prove to me nothing more than a normal, screw-the-voter politician and this is all just a tizzy for nothing? We will go to work tomorrow and the next day and the next and be kicked in the balls by our goverment endlessly, regardless of whether republicans or democrats control anything? Or maybe I am reading too much into it and need to pull all the dicks out of my *ss and learn to laugh?
I think you either need to fix the sound or I am having a problem on my end. I also would have gone with an Amwican flag with a Hammer and Sickle on it, instead of the plain old Russian one. A little effort and this could really be a good jab. Understandably, you prolly hurried this, but going back and working on it a little harder could be worth your time.
Surely only from people making 250,000$ a year or more, ri- Oh wait, it is down to 150,000$ a year or more now? Well, surely he only wants it from people making 150,000$ a year or more, right? Right?
That song in the backround always gives me goosebumps when it reaches it's crescendo. Or is it climax. Basically, near the end where it switches to the horns: it's the one soundtrack I own and still listen to.
I save my 1's for truly uninspired content. He at least opened photoshop to put a red flag behind him. Had he just put a stock pic of Barack from Google Images and paired it with Beans and Cornbread, it would certainly be a 1, in my opinion.
Eh, I respect your opinion but could have been a bit more creaive in delivery. Also, I hear no music, but if your sound origin was any indicator, you were about to sh*t all over your own opinion anyways so 2.
There is no great crime against whites in recorded history. Slavery of blacks was recent and of that brotherhood was born. It doesn't matter what tribe you came from, if you are black in America there is a unity between you and your black peers. Whites do care whgere they come from: there is no white brotherhood because whites have no history to tie them together, regardless of origin. I like that -2 by the way. Thanks, all you kneejerk retards who don't bother reading all the way through a comment before a
You don't get any special bortherhood perks for being white. White people don't give a shi*t about eachother, so mixes default to the heritage that includes the kinship. Nature, path of least resistance, and all that.
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