.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................this site sucks....................
I'm giving this 5 stars b/c it started a conversation with my girlfriend about which boobs I liked and she wondered which nipples looked like hers. We both thought the girl on the bottom right was just about there.....but what was with the two fakers on the left? But thanks, you have driven my relationship one notch further...hooray!
One word: Magic.
Magic therefore nullifies any scientific data cause...duh...its magic.
Santa has the ability to stop time and has that bag of toys that magically shrinks. I mean...hello? Magic defies all rules of logic and physics cause...duh...its magic.
Not to sound like Paris Hilton, but pictues would have been nice. I mean, there could have been some hilarious pictures made to coincide with the 7 steps.
oh....wait.....you just stole this off some site and said it was your own?...nevermind then. Have no problem taking images from other sites as long as you properly cite them...
Shame on you for getting my hopes up... :p
you should really make and sell these on eBay....I would f*ckin' buy one!...and you could make others out of NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 and others....brilliant!!!
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