BananaMan734's votes:

BananaMan734 has made 62 total votes, with an average rating of 4.16.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Cary Jon wants the polend (he also wants to vote 5... (5.00) (3.86) 
?PTKFGS: Jon Cerrie REMEMBERED Polend! (5.00) (3.81) 
?Too early for polend? (5.00) (3.90) 
?You Spin the Whitehouse Right Around VOTE 5!! (5.00) (3.41) 
?Homepage Doesn't Change Facial Expressio... (1.00) (2.33) 
?lol, 8-bit (1.00) (2.81) 
?20/62: Chad Man (5.00) (3.90) 
?(nsfw) Kramer's true story (5.00) (4.49) 
?Jynx is... (1.00) (1.38) 
?Wizard of YTMND (The Original) (1.00) (1.81) 
?What is love!? (The Original) (1.00) (2.10) 
?You're the man now (The Original) (1.00) (1.69) 
?*~A Tiny Glimpse~* (The Original) (1.00) (1.86) 
?What is the Matrix? (The Original) (1.00) (1.91) 
?New Talent on 60 Minutes (The Original) (1.00) (1.95) 
?Color ME YTMND (The Original) (1.00) (2.13) 
?Take On Cosby (New and Improved) (5.00) (4.40) 
?(nsfw) mikeluvpokemon (1.00) (1.73) 
?Super Level 18 Leather Belts (5.00) (4.33) 
?damn Damn DAMN 007 (5.00) (4.60) 
?Neo vs FPS_Doug (5.00) (4.51) 
?GTA4 Sucks (1.00) (2.17) 
?GTA4 Rules! (1.00) (2.47) 
?Clive Owen is Playing with Power (5.00) (4.54) 
?Casino Night Zone (5.00) (4.09) 
?Hank Hill doesn't change facial expressions (l... (5.00) (4.19) 
?Kramer's Apology (5.00) (4.24) 
?(nsfw) Pokemon: More Wood (5.00) (4.25) 
?Epic 3-Way Struggle! (5.00) (4.44) 
?vote 5 if you want joshcube hit by a plane (remake) (5.00) (4.16)