Artamis1's votes:

Artamis1 has made 27 total votes, with an average rating of 4.26.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?The Kittys are Everywhere (4.00) (3.75) 
?You're Tearing Me (5.00) (2.50) 
?Biff cuts Marty a Break (5.00) (4.13) 
?Throw Some D's: Dramatic Reading (5.00) (3.92) 
?KOENTMND: NEDM vs. agent KOEN (5.00) (3.87) 
?Kraplan's Radio Theater: Harry Potter and t... (5.00) (3.66) 
?"Bad" (1.00) (3.55) 
?vista rocks! (5.00) (3.94) 
?Obama: Our only hope (5.00) (2.95) 
?(nsfw) But I Poop From There Returns (5.00) (3.94) 
?Can't break this barrel's stride (4.00) (2.29) 
?New Addition to the Dorm Room Door (PDF in Des... (5.00) (4.23) 
?Yahoo! News Depresses Me (3.00) (3.33) 
?Metal Gear Solid 5: Cats of Liberty (5.00) (3.50) 
?Yo, JoshCube (5.00) (3.29) 
?josh cube sucks (here is one that makes sence) (3.00) (2.46) 
?Colbert Envy (5.00) (3.85) 
?They'll copyright anything nowadays (5.00) (3.91) 
?This one goes out to you reu stay strong through th... (5.00) (3.33) 
?NEW Epic Ninja Maneuver (4.00) (2.80) 
?In the Gato (3.00) (2.93) 
?Heimsath vs Brian Peppers (4.00) (2.86) 
?Judge Dredd makes up... (4.00) (4.04) 
?Democratic Convention Here (4.00) (4.34) 
?Dense FAG Advisory (4.00) (3.93) 
?Too old for the internet (3.00) (3.65) 
?Hitler had one true weakness (4.00) (3.72)