Vile WoW in-joke YTMNDs must a bloody and violent way. Oh, by the way WoW blows äss, because the people that play that despicable shïthole have no lives.
That guy is so ugly. He looks like his mouth was deformed. It's probably a pain for him to eat, and he deserves to be made fun of because he's a pedophile
People who downvote WoW sites are those whose parents won't let them borrow their credit cards
to pay for it ;) - more like the game sucks balls and we played a demo of it? You WoW fans fail at life.
Lehanna: Silly downvoters. When will your f*ggotry run dry!? - I get pissed when I see unfunny YTMNDs, that is all. I'm not downvoting this, I don't like it. Disliking =/= downvoting
Collegehumor needs to stop linking ytmnds. - Agreed, they need to quit liking ytmnds or max will send a cease and desist letter to collegehumor, more like dumbasshumor, amirite?
Who would even play WoW? This isn't even funny to begin with, oh wait, it's an Inside joke. And doesn't it say in the guidelines that if it's an inside joke, expect it to be deleted?
haha-hahahahawhawhaaah! this is one of the few things to come of WoW and rock everywhere else.
WoW ruined the warcraft name for me, this fixed the damage! - stay off the speed.
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