Wow, that is the must bizarre Garfield comic strips ever. i used to watch the show and read the comics. this reminded me of one of those David Firth animations
i just saw that movie a couple days ago. its one of my most cherished movies from my childhood. the next time i see Aladdin, im looking at it a completely different way
For those who never played the game Punchout, or haven't played it in a long time. Right after the third level, you'll see the NSMB scene. Thats one of the great reasons why this is funny. Maybe theres a possibility Patriarch (the maker of this clip) didn't even know that and its just Coincidence that the guy in the commercial said level three.
that was funny i just played that part in Chrono Trigger last Saturday. Making the guy guy hit your back throughout the whole race is almost impossible. One last thing, good re-mix
Just yesterday on the history channel, they talk about how George Washington set up the capital. George Washington and all the American heros at the time were free masons and you can discover the free mason symbol if you see the roads connecting the white house, from the
State Capital to the Supeme Court. If you havent seen the free mason symbol, its in the movie National Tresure.
i dont hate people who play WoW, i hate runescape f*gs. that sh*ty game took over my school. the real question is, what do you like better. Wow or runescape
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