Graphing calculator games are the reason why I never learned Algebra 3-4, and subsequently sucked at all other Math courses for the rest of my existence.
Damn you, TI-83.
It's pretty much a huge injoke that he probably made for the guys on complexity.
PerfectLegend is a professional Dead or Alive 4 player. He plays for Complexity. I guess this is the creator's idea of a "card", like a baseball card, I guess.
Injokes get 1s.
There is the possibility that he was just wondering why there was 71 hours of usage on it, even if you didn't have the software installed. Perhaps he was trying to find out if someone had been using your account without your knowledge?
Reminds me of that one where the dad made the kid play that maze game where it screams at the end. Irresponsible parenting = serial murderers in the future. Not worth the "laughs".
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