AUGH YOU SANTA SKEPTICS THING YOU CAN PROVE EVERYTHING WITH YOUR LOGIC, LOGIC, LOGIC! You must simply have FAITH in the TRUTH of Santa. I'm breaking out the Santa apologists on you. u.u
I think she's referring to the time that Bush encountered Germany's (female) Chancellor Angela Merkel and appeared to give her a shoulder rub.
I cannot stop laughing, though. This is gold. :D
Gah! I just downloaded this yesterday, and when I went back to the Archive site to give the link to someone, I found it was taken down! Bloody freaking Scientologists.
I know some German. What I can figure out goes as follows...
'Many people would certainly endorse, that they would protect themselves from viruses and sickness in real life... Why? Because it's safe.' ...
Which is not to say that you do not gather evidence and employ reason when it doesn't get in the way. You may even have developed considerable skill at making certain of your conclusions appear as if they are not the product of your central delusion. But so has the alien-obsessed schizophrenic
man; this skill only means that the pointless conversation takes longer.
You start with the premise that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Or something close to that.
Perhaps you use the word "inspired" instead. It doesn't matter, any more than it matters what particular kind of code the aliens use to communicate with the schizophrenic man in the example above.
The problem is, you start with this astounding premise, and it pollutes every one of your conclusions. That's why it is futile for us to have a conversation.
After several hours of speaking
with him, you naturally conclude that reason and common sense are useless. The schizophrenic believes what he believes, and is essentially unreachable. Your time with him has been entirely wasted.
You are that schizophrenic man.
Imagine that a man approaches you and requests a conversation. With great urgency, he tells you
that aliens are communicating with him via secret messages encoded in the daily newspaper. Con-
cerned for this man's well-being, you try your best to convince him that these aliens are in his imagi-
nation only, and that the daily newspaper shows no real sign of containing encoded messages. But it
doesn't matter. The schizophrenic man has an answer for everything.
Dear Christian,
You're probably a great person. If you're like most Christians I know, you're charitable, moral, dedi-
cated to your family. You care about people. You recognize that none of us is perfect, but you try to
be as good as you can every day. It's likely that you're quite intelligent and curious about a variety of subjects. You're the kind of person anyone might want to talk to, if the opportunity arose.
Ugh. I agree with holycarplois, though I regret to see that this has made the top fifteen. Forget wit, all it takes is a little gay-bashing and a common enemy to rake in the high votes.
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