Just look at this link and see what happend by simply blocking one path from the beginning and one on the end (now just clean it up a bit and you have it!): http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/3698/donefb6.gif
The paint bucket works. You need to use common sense. Simply cut off the beginning/ending paths on one end (just draw a black line to block a path) and see where the paintbucket fills. If that end fills to the other end that is the right path. Do this a few times and you have it filled just right. I finished the maze using this method in 15 minutes (plus a few extra minutes cleaning up the picture)
To answer a few items: I work in the health research industry and came across this archive in my studies. Second, I have to use IE here at work, no admin privledges on my computer. Besides, Firefox seems to be getting gay just like IE. (Crashing, exploits, etc)
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