6:23 p.m. - The injection process begins. Lockett has heavy, slow blinks, laid still
6:29 p.m. - Consistently closed his eyes
6:30 p.m. - First check of consciousness; still conscious
6:33 p.m. - Announced Lockett was officially unconscious
6:34 p.m. - Lockett started to move his mouth
6:36 p.m. - Lockett began convulsing and mumbling
6:37 p.m. - Lockett sat up and said "something's wrong."
6:39 p.m. - Prison officials lowered the blinds
7:06 p.m. - Lockett dies of massive heart attack
Then, there was a knock on the door. DOC Director Robert Patton took a phone call in the hallway. When he returned, he said they'd had a "vein failure." "The chemicals did not enter into the offender," and under Patton's authority, he announced a stay for the execution of Charles Warner.
Warner was set to die at 8 p.m. His execution is stayed for 14 days.
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