After the Great Cleansing, Isla Portada has become almost inhospitable. Much to their dismay, the surviving residents of the flood find themselves in a dire position without a reliable home to call their own. And so, with hope and determination in their hearts, in the face of almost sheer hopelessness, they set out across the great expanse--the much fabled Great Ocean of Serendipity--in search of salvation, leaving the only home they have ever known. What lies across these waters? Does the ocean give way to a n impassable network of islands that the stormy waves cannot penetrate? Is there even an end, or are the azure waters simply the eternal backdrop of a cruel God's domain? Can they ever find a new place to call home, or has their journey at sea become their final unrelenting torment?
Yes. I did the background 3 years ago and the foreground image this week. The new image made me think of the site that I didn't finish and sure enough it was still sitting in ytmnd's servers somewhere. I couldn't believe it was still saved. I originally didn't publish it because I couldn't get it to tile smoothly and gave up working on it. When I worked on the new image I thought the old one would make a good background so I used it. It's still not perfect but that's okay.
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