Minecraft: My Lighthouse Has A Minecart Track Now
Created on: September 30th, 2010
Minecraft: My Lighthouse Has A Minecart Track Now

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September 30th, 2010
really cool. also, i love sfoa. i'm guessing you've heard of bmsr, right?
September 30th, 2010
bmsr? that's the group that the one person from seven fields is in right? i haven't gotten around to it yet. whats their name? black something or another. Also, the song ended up being chronomantique. I'll probably change it. damned sound uploader is buggy as fuck.
September 30th, 2010
yeah, black moth super rainbow. they're a bit more abstract than just sfoa alone, and if you like abstract trippy experimental stuff you'll love bmsr. they're easily one of my all time favorite bands.
October 3rd, 2010
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPBZELaEDmc Here's my Home.