Gump is trippin'
Created on: January 22nd, 2009
Gump is trippin'


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January 22nd, 2009
those must be comftable gummmmboots
January 22nd, 2009
You got gummy legs. Gummy legs!
January 22nd, 2009
I think I get it: Gump tripped, causing himself to fall off the boat.
January 22nd, 2009
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i would have taken it a little farther
January 22nd, 2009
if you use it in 3 more sites, they legally have to rename the film "Fourest Gump"
January 22nd, 2009
He's not hallucinating. I see Gumby and Pokey all the time.
January 22nd, 2009
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needs "Mama said they we're my magic shoes... Mama said they would take me anywhere..."
January 22nd, 2009
Man I love it when you find a new movie to make tons of awesome sites from.
January 22nd, 2009
Did you know Tom Hanks is a user on this site?
January 22nd, 2009
Hai Tom Hanks!
January 22nd, 2009
Hai Syncan! I mean, Tom Hanks!
January 22nd, 2009
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I'm glad you added Forest Gump to the Fourest Vault. You've been cranking out some good stuff from this movie.
January 22nd, 2009
i would like to see forrest kick benjamin button's ass. yes, the midget grandpa version
January 22nd, 2009
January 22nd, 2009
I think its clever
January 22nd, 2009
I would like to see continuing adventures of Gump on Acid.
January 23rd, 2009
Agreed. This 1 is old but a favorite of mine, it kinda fits the theme.
January 22nd, 2009
Scene 2, Take 5. Action.
January 22nd, 2009
January 22nd, 2009
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lol i loved it. Keep up the good work fourest
January 22nd, 2009
Shrimp Gumby....
January 22nd, 2009
Great job
January 22nd, 2009
again with the gump wave, i love it.
January 22nd, 2009
acid is nothing like this you f*cking idiot. oh yeah, your style is "lets paste images over other images. pop culture gets me 5s!!"
January 22nd, 2009
woah bro, relax.
January 22nd, 2009
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fourest never did acid: the truth EXPOSED
January 22nd, 2009
its not like trippin, either
January 22nd, 2009
i could care less.
January 22nd, 2009
then whyd you make the site if you dont care?
January 22nd, 2009
"(NSFW) TOURNAMENTMND2: lol, Gump Khan stole my NEDM Gumby rave featuring Pokey the donkey"
January 22nd, 2009
Debating poorly over what it means to be trippin'? You're all missing the point that this sh*t is hilarious!
January 22nd, 2009
January 22nd, 2009
This is the pop-culture version of an acid-trip. There's no sense in trying to accurately explain acid to one who's never done it. In fact there's no sense in talking about acid even to one who has done it. It'd be like looking for fish-tracks in a dry riverbed.
January 22nd, 2009
tl;dr........ I just want a long reply chain.
January 22nd, 2009
i love it when you insult people over their drugs. they're always like " DUDE THIS SO NOT WAT METH DOES TO YOU UR A F*CKIN IDIOT I KNOW METH I HAVE A MASTERS DEGREE IN METHADONE CONSTRUCTION"
January 23rd, 2009
did you just call methadone 'meth?'
January 23rd, 2009
ice cream
January 23rd, 2009
internet banana
January 23rd, 2009
point in case
January 23rd, 2009
hes been lost at sea for so long he sees what he wants to see!
January 23rd, 2009
It's obviously a are such a douche it's incredible.
January 24th, 2009
hey everybody, watch me get lickitwellhiem's panties in a bunch: "MARIJUANA IS A GATEWAY DRUG, AND LEADS TO HARDER DRUGS SUCH AS CRANK AND SPEED AND METH AND LDS, ALSO KNOWN AS ICE"
January 22nd, 2009
Fourest Gump
January 22nd, 2009
Fourest Gumby
January 22nd, 2009
He can change into anything....
January 22nd, 2009
This is nothing like my individual tripping experience and i am all butthurt over it. 1'd.
January 22nd, 2009
i've tripped many times and i laughed at this even tho its just an image of gumby, i thought it was funny when he waved back like a little kid would if he saw gumby, how are you supposed to really show what tripping is like anyway, its like describing music to a deaf person, there are no words in our language to do it, you just have to hear it for yourself... anyway this is better than gump just sitting next to ronald mcdonald talking about his shoes, there was no funny in that, good day sir
January 22nd, 2009
i agree about the tripping. my comments were only for the purpose of explaining how sh*tty i think the site is. as for the ronald site, thats the only site hes made that ive seen that i remotely like. i think that was funny. it was lever because the content of the juxtaposed ronald image matches the audio from the film. as for this site, anyone could have been cut and pasted in the place of gumby. you probly would have thought it was just as funny if a f*cking pokemon was waving back.
January 22nd, 2009
It's Gumby, dammit!
January 22nd, 2009
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Fourest Gumpin'
January 22nd, 2009
I thought he spotted Tom Hanks from Castaway.
January 22nd, 2009
January 22nd, 2009
January 22nd, 2009
FOrrest HGump Ownsfd
January 22nd, 2009
Fourest, buy Rat Race on DVD.
January 22nd, 2009
This concept leaves a lot to be desired.
January 22nd, 2009
Surprisingly not fouresty.
January 23rd, 2009
January 23rd, 2009
i rofled
January 23rd, 2009
Fourest never fails
January 23rd, 2009
more like Fourest Sucks.
January 24th, 2009
Cody gets a new DVD.
January 24th, 2009
simple and effective
January 24th, 2009
So f*cking random. Hahah. I love Gumby.
January 24th, 2009
I lol'ed.
January 24th, 2009
You know bubba gumps has pretty good food
January 24th, 2009
The first site I've actually laughed at in a while.
January 24th, 2009
1 for fourest
January 24th, 2009
My favorite movie and my favorite user. It doesn't get better than this.
January 25th, 2009
I cannot stress how bad your sites are - it baffles me how they get such high ratings
January 25th, 2009
Title reminded me of this:
January 28th, 2009
Forrest Gumby.
February 5th, 2009
It says "I choo-choo-choose you!" and there's a picture of a train on it!