Flick's Last Christmas
Created on: December 18th, 2008
Flick's Last Christmas
Merry Christmas


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December 18th, 2008
kids can be so cruel.
December 18th, 2008
The Red Ryder Frontier Justice Noose: so good youll hang yourself.
December 18th, 2008
we can? thanks mom!
December 18th, 2008
NOW his parents will regret getting him those sweaters every year.
December 19th, 2008
He had it comin, for teaching Ralphie all those swear words!
December 19th, 2008
The applause at the end was great!
December 21st, 2008
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Wait.......... Are you f*cking serious? I hope everyone who left these comments are 50+ because that is some of the nerdiest sh*t I have ever heard. Learn to funny.
December 21st, 2008
Says the guy who frequents YTMND
December 21st, 2008
The only thing people need to lighten up on is this "morbid", "dark" site I made. If you think so, then you better grab your teddy bears and squeeze them for dear life in that case.
December 22nd, 2008
I can't throw stones--you were imitating my Schwartz site.
December 24th, 2008
This is what the movie would be like if it was a horror flick.
December 25th, 2008
chocked full o' f*cked up goodness!
December 26th, 2008
That's a good idea, remake the christmas story to be a horror movie... I would buy it
December 28th, 2008
wanted to 3 but gotta 4 for low standards
December 17th, 2009
Please do not enter older YTMNDs in this contest, as they will be removed.
December 20th, 2009
December 18th, 2008
It's just like the Dark Knight *sparkles* ;)
December 18th, 2008
Willy Wonka!
December 18th, 2008
Good job, fourest - the clapping made me laugh.
December 18th, 2008
[ comment (and 5 replies) is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
The noose is way to high, the base of it needs to be closer to his neck, not 5 inches above. Fix it maybe you'll get a 5
look what you did you little jerk!
December 18th, 2008
"A Christmas Story," is Amazing, and so is this site. Words can't describe your overwhelming genius in all you do...actually, Love in These Cuffs was better...but this earns a fav nonetheless.
December 18th, 2008
Wow! I'm going back in time and showing this to myself as a child. I'll have to save the .html and everything on a floppy... BUT IT'LL BE WORTH IT
December 18th, 2008
December 18th, 2008
the claps make it awesome
December 18th, 2008
schwartz is in trouble for this one.
December 22nd, 2008
Check out my Schwartz site.
December 18th, 2008
December 18th, 2008
December 19th, 2008
Someone got triple-dog-dared
December 19th, 2008
once you get the triple, there is no going back.
December 19th, 2008
I managed to kill off both my ex wives on a triple dog dare.
December 19th, 2008
Funny, the tripple dog dare was responsible for my first marriage. She said lets get married. I said no. She said "I tripple dog dare you!", and that was that.
December 19th, 2008
I'll also add one exception to the tripple dog dare rule. The "I tripple dog dare you to give me a blow job" does not work.
December 19th, 2008
Uh, yeah...That never works...
December 21st, 2008
and f*ggotry ensued...
December 19th, 2008
Gee fourest, your sense of humor got really dark while I was gone.
December 19th, 2008
Coming from the guy who's highest rated sites are Grover ytmnds.
December 19th, 2008
Flick is well hung.
December 19th, 2008
Flick is well hanged.
December 19th, 2008
I want a noose for x-mas plz fourest!
December 19th, 2008
lol they all clap.
December 19th, 2008
You'll shoot your eye out.
December 19th, 2008
Thank the good lord I don't have to watch the damn movie anymore!
December 19th, 2008
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olll thss fnuuy case ur wuldnt excpt hm to b ded cuse he s jst lttle kd LLOLO
December 19th, 2008
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i thought you were gone.
December 19th, 2008
LOL FOUREST wtf are you doin around these parts?
December 19th, 2008
December 21st, 2008
best reply hands down
December 19th, 2008
life is a fragile thing
December 19th, 2008
December 19th, 2008
Flick grew up and became a porn star. Someone should make a site about that.
December 20th, 2008
He didn't do gay porn.
December 19th, 2008
Its not xmas until Fourest makes a site
December 21st, 2008
I have to reply and tell you how gay you are. I like fourest and you're still gay
December 21st, 2008
Oh stawp it
December 19th, 2008
i thought it was gonna be one of his pornos he did when he was older
December 19th, 2008
December 19th, 2008
[ comment (and 2 replies) is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
this sucks but the parody that mariostar06 made with Marv was f*cking hilarious, idiots need to stop upvoting stupid crap like this and start upvoting Marv and funny stuff (MINUS THIS COMMENT LOL)
December 19th, 2008
You're all going to hell.
December 19th, 2008
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lol fourest
December 19th, 2008
I thought you left?!
December 19th, 2008
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December 19th, 2008
It's been so long, I've forgotten whether it was cool to hate fourest or not
December 19th, 2008
Fourest's best site in months
December 19th, 2008
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Nice to see fourest is back to making sh*tty, choppy animation again.
December 19th, 2008
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FAKE. There's a black kid in that class.
December 19th, 2008
Kids clapping at suicide ftw
December 19th, 2008
christmas time is my favorite time for ytmnd
December 19th, 2008
haha fourest, your the best.
December 19th, 2008
I love how they clap him at the end, such loving friends.
December 19th, 2008
December 20th, 2008
Dude, that's f*cked up, but brilliant.
December 20th, 2008
F*ck that, that movie is so atrocious that even parodying isn't entertaining.
December 20th, 2008
Being nitpicky here, but, the year before his suicide was Flick's last Christmas, cause I don't think he's making it this year.
December 20th, 2008
I triple-dog dare you to hang ya'self!
December 20th, 2008
December 20th, 2008
fourest, why is it that all of your sites fail to disappoint me? i mean, I know I give you 4s sometimes, but that is about the lowest I have ever rated one of your sites. see? some featured users are actually good.
December 20th, 2008
forrust makes a site
December 20th, 2008
you're what the french call 'les incompetent'
December 20th, 2008
Who's morbid? YES YOU ARE!
December 20th, 2008
4'd 4 4est
December 20th, 2008
this was a bit morbid, especially with the applause.
December 21st, 2008
Auto 5 or f*ggot
December 21st, 2008
(This is how you do it) YEAH KILL YOURSELF F*GGOT!!! FLICK DICK!!!!121
December 21st, 2008
I don't remember this part of the movie.
December 21st, 2008
You'll crush your windpipe.
December 22nd, 2008
December 23rd, 2008
"Flick? Flick who?"
December 23rd, 2008
extra star because it's Christmas!
December 25th, 2008
an hero
December 26th, 2008
Ooooh, haha. You nast-tey boy! Nastay!
December 26th, 2008
Finaly someone who put an end to the 24hour christmas story marathon on TNT. 5'd
December 17th, 2009
TBS dumbass
December 17th, 2009
So, heed no warning to DONT POST OLDER SITES.
December 17th, 2009
dont upload old sites to the contest.
December 17th, 2009
I 5'd this before, but now it's a 1. DON"T POST OLD SITES TO THIS CONTEST!
December 18th, 2009
Would of been perfect if he was black!
December 19th, 2009
December 20th, 2009
1 for downvoting my comment as a 5 and posting an old site
December 20th, 2009
1'd for posting an old site.
December 20th, 2009
Please do not enter older YTMNDs in this contest, as they will be removed. -- Did you not read the contest description?
December 20th, 2009