Created on: March 3rd, 2008
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See what you get? lulz, I found the link http://rapidshare.com/files/96481835/concretecube.ram


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Porn rules the nation, in a wall
wait wait wait. f*ck look what you f*cking did. You don't see is wrong. You see its never gonna work like this. I toll you twice! Don't do it like this. Always problem with you. Always problems. Sh*t! You understand what I say? You understand? F*ck! Are you listening to me?! Are you listening? Are you at least listening to me?
*ssh*le! *kicks wall* f*ck you! and now?
*grabs ear* Look! Look at this wall?! You see it?! *punches her in face* and now and now *makes her eat dirt while ripping her clothes off*
now you see what you did to my wall. you broke my wonderful wall. Now i'm going to make a wonderful wall out of you! Out of YOU!
March 4th, 2008
all in all you're just a....
March 4th, 2008
another porn in the wall
March 4th, 2008
Who wants to see the pickle room?
March 5th, 2008
Is it just me or does the guy talking sound like Willy Wonka? Man this porno just gets weirder and weirder.
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-1 for dling mysognistic porn
June 6th, 2008
It's tough being a box but I'm LIVIN' IT UP! LIVIN' IT UP! BOX!
June 6th, 2008
What do you have there? A concrete box? That's the Snake I remember!
March 3rd, 2008
lol wall hax
March 3rd, 2008
i'm in yer walz showin muh boobz
March 4th, 2008
But I build houses from there!
March 4th, 2008
I don't think so, Tim.
March 3rd, 2008
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March 3rd, 2008
someone took Pink Floyd's lyrics a little too seriously.
March 3rd, 2008
Stein um Stein mauer ich dich ein...
March 3rd, 2008
March 3rd, 2008
My church as a youth had jesus coming out of a huge stone wall. i forever pictured him as being a rocklike being 40 feet long by 20 feet high.
March 3rd, 2008
Masonry is so hot.
March 4th, 2008
Nice, they got Jon Lovitz to do the narration.
March 4th, 2008
March 4th, 2008
March 5th, 2008
Aye diddily dee.
March 6th, 2008
March 4th, 2008
You know, he's right.
March 4th, 2008
I was about to discuss the part in New Cutey Honey ep. 8 where Honey is shown naked and stuck in a wall in similar fashion. Instead I'll just say congratulations on site #850000.
March 6th, 2008
March 4th, 2008
She's a brick....house!
March 4th, 2008
She's mighty mighty, lettin' it all hang out
March 4th, 2008
This is YTMND site #850000. Congratz.
March 4th, 2008
Haha. Long live YTMND.
March 5th, 2008
I'm gonna grab 900K with a squarewave or something anticlimactic
March 4th, 2008
I found this to be a lot more interesting when I first read the image origin as "Some weird porn I did once."
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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
March 4th, 2008
This looks like a porno that a 14 yr old would view as his first or second ever and change his perception of reality forever. 5/5
March 4th, 2008
she's doing it wrong
March 4th, 2008
Uncontrollable erection.
March 4th, 2008
March 4th, 2008
The Pussy of Amontillado?
March 6th, 2008
Replace pussy with *ss and it almost rhymes
March 5th, 2008
This must have been Dale Earnhardt's favorite porn movie.
March 5th, 2008
The chick has nice tits
March 5th, 2008
I want to be a carpenter when I grow up.
March 6th, 2008
I've got some wood for her.
LOL i'm curious to find out what porno this came from, I strangely want to see the rest of it.
March 6th, 2008
March 6th, 2008
bitch hacks
March 7th, 2008
March 7th, 2008
Rule 34.
March 7th, 2008
<----- See what you get?
March 7th, 2008
Clark Kent kills another hooker.
March 7th, 2008
There's another part in the movie where he cements her into a cube where only her head and waist down stick out and he f*cks her.
March 9th, 2008
LMAO!! Wall hax indeed.
June 6th, 2008
I've got a strange box here.
October 17th, 2008
oh s h i t, youre this guy!!