Created on: June 25th, 2007
None ( ._.)


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June 25th, 2007
GTFO Digg.
June 25th, 2007
I remember posting this on a site and the idiots eventually banned me because I was "laughing at death" or some other bullsh*t like that. Frankly, I'm glad I got banned because if you can't take this as a joke, you're just retarded, and I don't think talking to those guys would have done me any good.
June 25th, 2007
I think evrything has a funny side to it... i think I have a problem :(
Belair is property of 4chan let them keep it
June 25th, 2007
June 25th, 2007
in soviet russia, murder witnesses you.
June 25th, 2007
Wow, I read digg too. And it would have made more sense if you left the top part of the image on.
June 25th, 2007
As if jpg's of wacky newspaper clippings weren't bad enough...you go and use an old, stolen one.
June 25th, 2007
This belongs on digg...not on ytmnd. NOW DELETE THIS SITE, or it shall be NAKED AGAINST THE MACHINE'D!
I thought this was going to be about Chris Benoit.
June 26th, 2007
the music ruined the joke you bastard
June 27th, 2007
digg this: 1'd (old pic is olllllllld)
June 27th, 2007
I already made this site http://iwitnessedamurder.ytmnd.com/