Why LoTR Sucked
Created on: June 16th, 2005
Why LoTR Sucked


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June 16th, 2005
It should say "Created by: Maddox", not you. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=lotr1
June 25th, 2005
Geeesh, you voted one multiple times just because the idea was from another person, then everyone would vote 1 on everything if everyone voted 1 on something that was taking from something...XP Any way, Good work!
July 9th, 2005
Stolen from Maddox it may be, but sound isn't.
February 20th, 2006
Maddox sucks. So did LotR. Oh well. At least it was better than Ralph Bakshi's '78 animated version.
July 25th, 2006
It's "LotR" not "LoTR". Noob. Also 1 because Maddox is a f*cking twat.