Created on: April 26th, 2007
don't pirate songs please kthx


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April 26th, 2007
arkansas democrat gazette. i think lewis black talked about that one. the one where they guy shot his nuts off after putting a bullet in his headlight fuse.
April 27th, 2007
Awesome reference, sir.
April 27th, 2007
Sterility Now!
April 26th, 2007
Marvels of evolution.
April 26th, 2007
Golden. Also, if you have noticed, on leap year there is one more day for the TERRORISTS TO WIN! GEORGE BUSH IS HELPING TERRORISTS BY GIVING THEM AN EXTRA DAY! CONSPIRACYACYAYCYY
April 26th, 2007
April 26th, 2007
"the one where they guy shot his nuts off after putting a bullet in his headlight fuse." Wasn't that on Mythbusters? I thought they debunked it.
April 27th, 2007
Actually they confirmed, iirc
April 27th, 2007
I remember watching that Mythbusters, I think they said it could happen but it took a lot of things going wrong in order for it to occur. Like a higher gauge of wire than would ever normally be found in the car.
April 26th, 2007
Nice loop, and hilarity. Win.
April 26th, 2007
is this bitch for real
April 26th, 2007
The woman who wrote this is well known for writing tongue-in-cheek (i.e., LOL ITS A JOKE) letters to the editor like the one here. She is not actually an idiot.
April 27th, 2007
you are correct sir or ma'am: www.snopes.com/humor/letters/daylight.asp
April 27th, 2007
I hope you are right, because that would be very sad if she was serious.
April 27th, 2007
Oh... well thanks for telling us...
April 27th, 2007
thank you god, you've restored my faith in humanity... for now
April 27th, 2007
Phew, saved. I'm glad it was sarcasm on her part. Good work linking btw, Deafstar.
April 26th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
5'd in advance of later PACARD'ing
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
Damn family tree keeps twistin' back on itself I see.
April 27th, 2007
[ comment (and 2 replies) is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
1 for crappyness, and for that stupid pacard fad
April 27th, 2007
Please tell me thats a shop. Please.
April 27th, 2007
its not.
April 27th, 2007
Jesus Christ... DO NOT let this uneducated, retarded bitch reproduce herself! F*ck, maybe it's too late (look how fat she looks).
April 27th, 2007
consider the source, son
April 27th, 2007
pacard'd'd'd'd'd'd i clicked 1 again just to be sure
April 27th, 2007
I tried laughing, but it's just not funny. It's sad and pathetic. Changing the time has nothing to do with the weather. In fact, it's *Still* the same time, you just think you're saving an hour, or losing an hour. I just I ... I think I lost a bit of faith in humanity. It has 3 points left.
April 27th, 2007
a sad attempt at humor
April 27th, 2007
oh.... my.... god.... please dear god tell me thats fake... please please, if it's not... I believe I just lost all remaining faith in humanity... Then agian, I did that a looong time ago.
April 27th, 2007
Thank god this is gonna be pacard'd because this site just plain blows. The internet got trolled by that bitch hard.
April 27th, 2007
Read up! It's a lady writing quite smartly in a silly way! HILARITY! Seriously though, it's way too hot , I 'm melting here :(
April 27th, 2007
need more nudity.
April 27th, 2007
That's Arkansas for you. :P
April 27th, 2007
Sad how such brainfarts get published in newspapers at times (granted, it likely happens all over the place for publications that align themselves with either extreme of the political spectrum, and combining any number of issues with other unrelated ones). I want rationality for everybody... right now. D:
April 27th, 2007
She said exacerbate
April 27th, 2007
lol epic pacard facemelter manuever!
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
I seiously laughed out loud. One of the few sites where the fact that the sound loaded later actually helped it become funny.
April 27th, 2007
*yawn* This isn't played out yet?
April 27th, 2007
That's real clever adding a tag or some such sh*t to the sound so it looks like it hasn't been used on several thousand sites already. Use a f*cking original sound.
actually he just deleted the half in the middle lol
April 27th, 2007
and poorly at that! :D
April 27th, 2007
lovin' it. :thumbup:
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
Heroes still win in the end.
April 27th, 2007
Don't butt pirate songs either.
April 27th, 2007
Oh sh*t we've taken on pacard
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
Pacard makes everything better
April 27th, 2007
this fad needs to stop.
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
if you guys hate it so much why did you vote it into top viewed!?
April 27th, 2007
Top Viewed means it has alot of views...because you have 'Epic' and 'Picard' or rather 'Pacard' from the way you spell it, in the name of the YTMND.
April 27th, 2007
Isnt it Jean Luc Picard? Still in Grade School FTL :-(
April 27th, 2007
[ comment is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
as pacard would say, YOU LOSE GOODDAY SIR
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
EPIC COMEBACK! learned in jamaica
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
well I'll give you 4 for merit but it really needs the facemelter music :(
If retarded bullsh*t like this is making it on to top viewed, then YTmnd is really going downhill. It had a good run.
April 27th, 2007
says the guy who vote 5'd http://brianpeppersamericanidol.ytmnd.com/
April 27th, 2007
Yeah! Like non-normalized noised epic facemelter music. Cause Pacard couldn't stand fore anytrhindskjaweuwedf;sdjkl;dfaslknasoimsearjosidafdsfmjdsafsdflkdnfdfdsad
April 27th, 2007
nerd rage bait gets you a 5
April 27th, 2007
what is this??
April 27th, 2007
how is this top viewed? just sop breathing.
November 29th, 2007
April 27th, 2007
I so wish I could give this a negative vote
December 17th, 2012
I can give your comment a negative vote though, does that help?