Epic baseball maneuver (Fixed for FFX)
Created on: June 28th, 2006
Epic baseball maneuver (Fixed for FFX)
Title is self-explanatory.


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June 28th, 2006
lol nice
May 5th, 2008
the best part is when the pitcher throws his glove at the guy
February 24th, 2009
Goes to show you what the Red Sox are made of.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
nice kick
June 28th, 2006
i hate epic ytmnds but kicking a guy in the face makes up for it.
June 28th, 2006
pitcher throws his glove like a little bitch
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
plz slow down though
June 28th, 2006
awful, old
June 28th, 2006
Wow, I hate most of the "epic maneuver" sites, but this was pretty good.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
BOOM IT'S ON that guy wins at life and at battles in general.
You want to know how f*cking sh*tty and uninspired this is? Someone made the exact same one a couple weeks ago: http://superepicbaseball.ytmnd.com/ Anyone would vote this YTMND a 5 does not belong here.
August 31st, 2007
yeah but he gets a 5 for showing the part where he charges the mound.
June 28th, 2006
f*ck, i didnt know there already was one.
June 28th, 2006
lmfao you win. Every idea has been done before.
June 28th, 2006
haha, he just wanted to fight. bitch shot on the catcher though, but still 100% funny.
June 28th, 2006
I cant stand ytmnd. Originallity gets downvoted, but stuff like this gets high ratings.
Upvoters, sorry to burst your bubble here, but YTMND is not Ebaumsworld, it's not the newest go to point for the latest zany gif featuring someone getting totally hurt LOL! Stop encouraging this crap.
June 28th, 2006
Slow it down a bit so I can see whas going on, please.
June 28th, 2006
No, nevermind. Read idownvotethieves' comment, that site is way cooler.
June 28th, 2006
This should be a Tiny Tim.
June 28th, 2006
Now THAT is epic.
Oh I'm not claiming you stole the idea for this YTMND. I'm saying you are not creative. Thanks for making this site a little closer to Ebaumsworld, lord knows we all love that site.
June 28th, 2006
Well the other site doesn't have the whole fight.
Truly epic.
June 28th, 2006
truely epic
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
old, but good.
June 28th, 2006
"Upvoters, sorry to burst your bubble here, but YTMND is not Ebaumsworld, it's not the newest go to point for the latest zany gif featuring someone getting totally hurt LOL! Stop encouraging this crap."
June 28th, 2006
also, not an epic maneuver. why can't anyone understand the fad?
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
Was going to five, then the image went SUPER FAST LOLOL.
June 28th, 2006
LOL Because you know the catcher is hurt when he's covered with a mask and pads. He didn't get hurt btw.
now THIS is what the epic fad is all ABOUT! FIVE FOR GREAT JUSTICE
June 28th, 2006
lmao idownvotethieves. thats really funny to know. sad too.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
I bet this gif works great in IE. (not why I downvoted)
June 28th, 2006
Why didn't he bring his bat along with him?
June 28th, 2006
normally I would 5 this, but it has been done before so I have to lower my score
June 28th, 2006
Is this dude crazy or something? XD
June 28th, 2006
clownpuncher almost makes me want to 1 this but I forgive you. 5. for the kick in the face.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
slow it down a little
June 28th, 2006
That is total RAGE right there. And also, what leetsauce said.
it wasnt going that fast before, i dont know why it is now.
wow downvoters are losers
June 28th, 2006
Its not downvoting when a site isnt good.
June 28th, 2006
You'd get 5, but you told me to "only view it in IE". When it is fine in Firefox
June 28th, 2006
Epics FTW
June 28th, 2006
That was Izzy's one way ticket out of the Boston Red Sox organization.
June 28th, 2006
A waste of server space.
June 28th, 2006
this works in firefox, dumb ass
June 28th, 2006
1'd for telling me to use a sh*t browser despite the fact it works fine
June 28th, 2006
n*gg* hit my face!
June 28th, 2006
Works fine in Firefox - under friggin' Linux. Also, you seem to have stolen an idea. You lose, good day sir.
June 28th, 2006
"Why is the concept of "Epic Maneuver" too god damn hard for you to grasp? Its supposed to be something NOT EPIC but they are making seem way way more than what it is. Thats the humor. Stupid f*ck." It's also something that's over the top and ridiculous, such as a side kick to a catcher and a wild haymaker at the pitcher. Btw, fived for Izzy Alcantra. Wooo Izzy!
June 28th, 2006
I dunno man, this thing is working beautifully in Firefox, on Windows XP. I'm laughing at this!!!
June 28th, 2006
I don't 1 that often but this is for the IE comment.
June 28th, 2006
lol the kick was the best part! I'd consider that pretty epic by itself.
June 28th, 2006
Stupid n!gger.
WTF? That n****r stole my base!
June 28th, 2006
delete this site
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
First time i've seen it, gave me a laugh :)
June 28th, 2006
BTW, am I the only one who noticed that the pitcher ducks back and misses the punch, leaving the batter surrounded by others and thinking "Oh, sh*t.". Truly -that- is the epic manuever.
June 28th, 2006
Oh my god! that is f*cking great!
i'm sorry. i 5d before, but now that you actually recommend IE, i am forced to 1. IE=pure f*ggotry.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
site is awesome, f*ck the downvoters and fire-f*gs.
June 28th, 2006
5'd for epicness
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
"Its supposed to be something NOT EPIC but they are making seem way way more than what it is. Thats the humor." Yes, because this really is an epic worthy of standing alongside the classics. Downvoters are getting so pathetic lately. Also, I think it's hilarious that idownvotethieves has garnered such great respect on this site. And IE downvoters are just weird, sorry.
June 28th, 2006
PawSox FTW
June 28th, 2006
no, it works in firefox.
June 28th, 2006
i should one this for g me to use IE but no cuase this is funny
June 28th, 2006
Amusing, but please learn proper GIF editing. Having a YTMND IE-only is not good. Fix for more stars.
June 28th, 2006
the balogna is in the nest, the pastrami is recyclable.
Screw you, I'll view in naything I wnat.. 5'd btw lol
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
awesome, but sound is really bug on both ie and firefox, not to mention the other weirdness on firefox. 3.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
God I love epic maneuvers
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
^previous comment was obligatory "Works on Mozilla too, assweed!"
June 28th, 2006
how about I view it in Firefox and downvote you for being stupid and not knowing basic gif editing. I'll message you about it.
June 28th, 2006
No one puts Baby in IE.
June 28th, 2006
gotta 1 the epics
June 28th, 2006
soon as he kicked the catcher i pissed my pants
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
I viewed it in firefox, and it was still kinda lame.
n*gg* stole my base.
I LOVE how he just hop-KICKS that catcher man.
June 28th, 2006
...wow... Could you slow it down a little though? It's kinda hard to see what happens after it's fully loaded.
June 28th, 2006
*sigh* I really should read stuff before posting. Looks very nice in IE
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
But why the hell did he kick the catcher in the face? I hope his *ss got beat down.
June 28th, 2006
gif is too fast in ff and I don't wanna use ie cause its gay so f u.
June 28th, 2006
dumbf*cks it still goes with the epic fad HE RUNE OUT TO PUNCH THE PITCHER AND MISSES BADLY
June 28th, 2006
that kick is priceless
June 28th, 2006
he should have brought the bat
June 28th, 2006
1 for IExplorer
Funny but 1'd till FF is supported
many, YTMNDers are such loser. What kind of f*g 1 votes something for having IExplorer in the name of the site? Perfect example of huge nerds getting upset for a really stupid reason on this site. You guys have no lives. And no I don't care that you're one-starring the site.
June 28th, 2006
Just crap.
June 28th, 2006
well, it works on firefox :) good ytmnd
June 28th, 2006
...this really is sh*t
June 28th, 2006
Two stars out of respect for the man who went bezerk. IE comment and unoriginality keep it at 2.
June 28th, 2006
The original didn't have the whole clip, so this one is much better.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
HAHA! epic maneuvers rule. plus without any context this gif is hilarious
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
why was he doing that again?
June 28th, 2006
Milton Bradley For The WIN! Also.. FULL GIF. I love you...
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
lmfaooo that glove throw by the pitcherr wassss such a bitch throw, sstrfstr is right haha
June 28th, 2006
-1 for sh*tty loop
Everyone is so mad at you for putting this on the internet, but it's funnier than shoe on head or those people who post chats with iGod. They just hatin.
why did he drop the bat? he should of kept it, its more dangerous than fists.
June 28th, 2006
Child, delete this and go sit in your corner.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
BASEBALL CLEET TO THE FACE!!!! The catcher got pwned
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
Rosco we don't care that it's funnier - we want to see originality and effort. this isn't eBaum's. also, it's not funny to show a video that's like months old.
June 28th, 2006
f*ck yes.
June 28th, 2006
I was there, it was very epic
June 28th, 2006
Increased stars to 4 from 2 for having fixed the speed. Bashing us for commenting on the speed prevents a full 5.
June 28th, 2006
lol. Some one said Milton Bradley. It's Izzy Alcantara.
June 28th, 2006
lol, I love the way he kicked the umpire
June 28th, 2006
Video: http://www.dmsjr.com/couchmedia/izzyfight.mpg
June 28th, 2006
i think i heard the guy scream "for the shire!"
June 28th, 2006
ha ha ha ha. He's psycho-symatic.
June 28th, 2006
Izzy Alcantra = best ever
June 28th, 2006
Not epic.
lol sweet more fighting
June 28th, 2006
dont get all bent out of shape by the tardy comments dude. anyhoo this gets a five since somehow it manages to be such an awesome epic....cant put my finger on it, maybe it's the team wide challenge + kick to the face.
June 28th, 2006
lol, violence
June 28th, 2006
why didnt he just use the bat? what a pussy
June 28th, 2006
LMAO that was awesome - he shoulda slide tackled the pitcher tho - that woulda been a 6'd
June 28th, 2006
omfg... that's terrible... f*cking funny, but terrible... 5'd
June 28th, 2006
Sheesh.. almost as violent as soccer.
take the whole f*cking team lol
June 28th, 2006
"What kind of f*g 1 votes something for having IExplorer in the name of the site?" me. "Perfect example of huge nerds getting upset for a really stupid reason on this site." pot, meet kettle. "You guys have no lives. And no I don't care that you're one-starring the site." which is why you "fixed" it for "FFX" and posted this comment. I *only* use YTMND in Firefox, never a problem, even when you put you IE-only gayness in the title. That's why you got a 1, n00b. YOU FAIL AT YTMND.
June 28th, 2006
lol why'd he drop his bat
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
Doesn't fit "Epic" ideas.
June 28th, 2006
This man is clearly a genius. You take the catcher out first so he doesn't tackle you on your way to harm the pitcher.
June 28th, 2006
5 for paw sox
June 28th, 2006
-1 for complaining about downvoters, -1 for improper execution of "epic maneuver, -1 because it's already been done, -1 for calling the community nerdy f*gs. Good day, sir.
June 28th, 2006
That is truely epic. What does your tile mean "(Fixed for FFX)" I don't get it.
June 28th, 2006
ytmnders that downvote cuz u use ie shall die
June 28th, 2006
POW right in the kisser!
He should have took the bat with him to the mound, that would be even more epic. Anyway, 5'd like that asian whore in your closet.
June 28th, 2006
"Firefox sucks, you cant play ytmnd's on it. Internet explorer is better." wtf version of FF are you using? Dipsh*t.
Stupid kiddie baseball players.
June 28th, 2006
holy sh*t he flipped out, similar to a ninja
June 28th, 2006
Mortal Kombat!
June 28th, 2006
I agree that the epic fad should depict someone doing something rather simple in an epic matter, but I still found this funny as heck.
June 28th, 2006
Why'd ya shorten the song so much?
June 28th, 2006
baseball fights kick all kinds of ass, and are usually pretty funny, too
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
lol, They only say "used IExplorer" as an excuse to be gaylords and downvote.
June 28th, 2006
baseball sucks, but this doesnt
June 28th, 2006
1 figure out the song. 2 get a better loop of it. 3 bleh.
June 28th, 2006
WTF? did that actually happen? Only in american do people have so much agression.
Considering the player is from the Dominican Republic I'd say they have that aggression there too.
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
Holy crap! That's awesome!! Why would you do that?
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
lol. one angry black dude
June 28th, 2006
Lol, what an asshat!
June 28th, 2006
hahah nice
June 28th, 2006
truly epic. that couldve turned into a burly brawl.
June 28th, 2006
XD times infinity
June 28th, 2006
I don't normally vote for epics, but that guy just got pwned with a capitol P
Holy crap, I was not expecting that!
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
He's an idiot for not bringing the bat with him.
June 28th, 2006
I wish I could see how they gang rape him at the end
OMG THAT KICK! dont forget to image the text
June 28th, 2006
Truly epic, shoulda brought the bat and just like swung it around
June 28th, 2006
Not original but bonus points for using the rare longer footage. Man, what a dick that guy is.
June 28th, 2006
First time through, I thought "meh". But like all Epic YTMND's, it makes you crack up the second time through. If it doesnt make you crack up the first time through.
June 28th, 2006
"Firefox sucks, you cant play ytmnd's on it. Internet explorer is better" I have firefox and it plays ytmnd's just fine. IE Explorer is way too buggy nowdays.
June 28th, 2006
ahhhhhh best
June 28th, 2006
Is that really Minor League? Looks like a sox yanks brawl
June 28th, 2006
I love a good baseball brawl
June 28th, 2006
This is the best epic site ever. Really.
June 28th, 2006
Go Sox
June 28th, 2006
5 for kick
June 28th, 2006
June 28th, 2006
June 29th, 2006
lmao wtf! He kicks the catcher!
June 29th, 2006
Five for crazy PawSox player, P-Tuck, and WJAR
June 29th, 2006
Stupidest guy ever...
oh my god i laughed for hours watching this last night then this morning i watched epic hentai manuver and laugh my *ss off once more you are the man (now dog)!
June 30th, 2006
June 30th, 2006
I love how the pitcher throws his glove like a little bitch, lol
July 1st, 2006
lol you still suck
July 3rd, 2006
THIS? Original! hahaha
July 3rd, 2006
here have a 5, also have a cock, btw this is far from original using an old *ss gif.. and a fad
July 3rd, 2006
Actually, I am in the military. What is your job? Sign up! and see how easy it is.
July 3rd, 2006
training is one thing, actually facing an enemy is something much much different
July 3rd, 2006
so you think just because I am home now means I have never been deployed? Well, you are wrong.
July 6th, 2006
ROFL! best one yet
July 6th, 2006
Wow was quite interesting though. Some Tekken sound effects thrown in for kick, and punch be funny.
July 9th, 2006
July 9th, 2006
Already been done.
July 12th, 2006
July 15th, 2006
July 16th, 2006
Wow, all the people downvoting this are such f*ggots its ridiculous. I'm so sick of this elitist "YTMND used to be so pure now its all bullsh*t like ebaumsworld, i want things the way they used to be." Things change, get the f*ck over it.
July 19th, 2006
Thats cool, your's kicks the crap outta mien anyway.
July 20th, 2006
lol izzy alcontra
July 25th, 2006
are there seriously around 500 stupid people that voted 5? nobody understands the epic fad. the original was making fun of a move that was not at all epic. then it just turned into a crazy thing where basically anything could be made into a ytmnd with "epic" slapped over it. id say there are 1000 epic sites with an already used .gif with epic music slapped over. yes, that baseball clip was awesome when i saw it on tv for the first time. no, its not awesome when i see it for the 100th time on ytmnd.
July 25th, 2006
even if it does match the fad, its stolen. you didnt make it. i dont see how im an idiot for giving a stolen site a 1. this is ytmnd not ebaumsworld.
July 25th, 2006
ok im a thief for using an image of will smith. i now know what a thief is thanks to you. i downvote thieves by the way, if you dont mind im going to take a look at your sites. by the way you need to relax man. "huge nerds getting upset for a really stupid reason on this site. You guys have no lives. And no I don't care that you're one-starring the site." it sounds like youre the huge nerd getting upset for a stupid reason and it sounds like you do care you got a 1 star.
July 25th, 2006
im not whining, i just said you were right and im a thief. you taking an image is EXACTLY the same as me taking an image and editing it. anyone who uses an image of anything that they didnt completely make is a thief. all i said was i downvote thieves and now that i know what a thief is thanks to you im in the mood to view your ytmnds. no whining involved here.
July 28th, 2006
rofl, who is this? i don't remember this game. still funny.
IT is NOT green. (+2 for making fun of the Red Sox)
August 3rd, 2006
it looks like the paw sox against who? funny how the pitcher doesn't even get in the middle of it and just runs away.
August 5th, 2006
August 7th, 2006
lol, cheating. Hang on, you called WoW downvoters losers? 1
August 7th, 2006
Wait, no you didn't. 5
August 8th, 2006
August 9th, 2006
August 15th, 2006
you fail, please try again ^_^
August 18th, 2006
5'd For Kickin-Catchers and 0'd for Epansive posts, 5 + 0 = Simple Math Great job!!!1!
August 21st, 2006
that counts as a home run
August 22nd, 2006
ya people are missing the point of the fad, its supposed to be when people overdue a simple task and make it look dramatic.
August 26th, 2006
This one was funnier: http://baseballfight.ytmnd.com/ And you all need to settle down...quit yer bickering.
August 26th, 2006
i like the epic man00v3rz
August 27th, 2006
read comments and/or think before you vote, people.
Five....For great justice (v^_^)v
August 28th, 2006
4 for fixing it
August 31st, 2006
This is an epic YTMND, Epic's are awsome, 5 for you, stfu noobs who downvote ;)
August 31st, 2006
I feel so bad for the catcher. 3 since apparently it's been done?
September 2nd, 2006
September 5th, 2006
Holy sh*t, when'd this happen?
September 8th, 2006
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